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Song: How you get the girl
Artist's Name: Taylor Swift

Song: How you get the girlArtist's Name: Taylor Swift _________-🌼-

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'Fight, fight, fight, fight'
She was beautiful. I can't help but feel something inside me. Jealousy?

Fuck no.

My eyes observe her. Jet black hair, ocean blue eyes, beautiful smile, face, and a pretty body.

My fists were clenched, I don't know why but I think I was catching feelings for him, which is why I'm feeling what I'm feeling right now.

We suddenly lock eyes.

Just a second later, I notice him walking over to me. My breath hitches, as me and Inez lock eyes.

She had venom laced in her eyes, she looked at me, no, *glared* at me. A second later I can feel Elijah's veiny hand sliding on my forearm.

"Let's talk, privately." He orders me. I nod at him, escaping the big crowd. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Inez." I roll my eyes ta him. "What's to talk about her? How much you love her? How she's so pretty? How you miss her?" I mock scoffing.

"Are you.. jealous of Inez..?" He says sneering at me. "No." I respond firmly. "Look, she's my ex and I want her back. But she doesn't want to be with me anymore.."

"So what's in it for me?" I ask him folding my arms with my eyebrow raised. "Be my girlfriend."

My eyes widen to the max. "WHAT." I shout, making the crowd's eyes shift to us.

Elijah, suddenly pins me to the lockers, placing one of my arms over the top of my head pinning it to the locker, while his other hand covered my mouth.

3 inches.
Yes, we were that close.

The crowd was suddenly filled with 'ooh's' I push him gently aside, and drag him to another place, the library.

"Don't get your hopes up. Pretend, girlfriend." My eyebrow raises. "You mean you want me to fake date you?"

"Good job," He mocks. I roll my eyes at him. "No." I was about to head to the exit, but he pulls me back by placing his arm around my stomach.

"I know you want to get Kane back. And, this could be your chance." I suddenly think about it...

Kane can get easily jealous at any guy, and this could be the perfect revenge plan.

"I'll think about it." I conclude, he smirks at me, handing me a piece of paper.

Text me ;)
(##) ### ### ###

I sigh, exiting the library. Guess we'll have to move the tutoring sessions to tomorrow.



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