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Song: Happier
Artist's Name: Olivia Rodrigo

"C'mon, I spot Elijah at the lockers, with ace and Silas!!" Astrid exclaims pulling us both to them.

"Hey.." I greet Elijah smiling at him. He smiles at me back, as he puts his hand around my shoulder pulling me closer to his side.

"What's your first class?" He questions me leaning his head towards my face. "Uhm.. I think It's—"

A sudden gasp makes us all silent. We turn to the side, to see Hannah acting all cute in front of Elijah.

"Mind introducing me to this guy, Summer..?" She questions smirking at me.

"Uhm.. Hannah.. this is Elijah. Elijah.. t-this is.. h-hannah.." I look at Elijah uncomfortably.

Hannah pushes me aside making me stumble a bit, as she stands beside Elijah instead, her finger twirling her hair.

"What the fuck do you want." Elijah grumbles angrily. "You.. (Uncontrollable giggling)."

"No." Elijah deadpans heading over to me. Hannah steams with rage, as she walks over to us.

"I'm better than her Elijah!! Just go out with me!!" She shouts at him grasping his arm, but he quickly flinches away.

He places his hand on my waist pulling me towards him. "No, I have a girlfriend." I chuckle at him, watching as Hannah's face turn all shades of red from the anger.

I smirk at her viciously. She humps, walking towards the bathroom. We all chuckle once she's gone.

"I'll walk you to class." I nod at him smiling. We say our goodbyes, heading towards the class.

We walk towards the chemistry classroom. Just as we were almost there, Elijah freezes.

I stop, as I feel him tense up beside me. I look towards my side to see inez. She was talking to a guy, laughing.

She looked so pretty. I raise an eyebrow looking at Elijah again, to see him angry as hell.

He then punches the locker beside him. "Fuck." He grumbles out. I flinch at him. "Come on Elijah, just don't look at them."

"Walk to class yourself." He grumbles at me. My heart sinks to my stomach, again.

I freeze for a moment before muttering out. "Oh.. o-okay.." I whisper to him, my tears threatening to spill.

Of course it was her again. Whenever I feel this is actually real, she pops out of nowhere.

Just accept that you'll never be his.

I head towards the classroom, opening the door. "You're late, Ms. Hills." I nod my head at him, walking to my seat.

Maybe he was just angry— ow My body slams on the floor, as a high heels steps on my back.


The whole class immediately bursts out laughing, as to I'm bringing myself up. "You dumb hoe." She whispers to me before laughing along with the class.

I stand up, and immediately head to the bathroom, not wanting to cry in class.

The tears were already spilling on my way there, blood was gushing from my eyebrow, and I'm a complete mess.



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