F O R T Y T H R E E | P A R T 1

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Song: Nonsense
Artist's Name: Sabrina Carpenter

Song: NonsenseArtist's Name: Sabrina Carpenter___________-🌼-

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"I'm sorry."
I mumbled from his neck. He released me, staring at me with the lovey eyes.

"Summer. I still Love you."
He then lifts up my chin, and before I knew it.. he kissed me.

I quickly melted into the kiss. Fuck, I needed this kiss after four long years of waiting.

I guess those four years o f moving on from him, wasn't really worth it after all.

I missed the taste of his cherry lips, he bit my lip making me gasp, and he took that chance to insert his tongue, making the kiss even better.

I kissed him passionately, as his hands found its way to my hips, pressing me to the nearby wall.

We hear a sudden gasp, making us pull away quickly. We both snapped dour heads to the voice, only to see inez.

Her eyes were filled with tears, and hurt. "How could you?!" She shouts before walking away.

"I'll be right back."


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I shout at her, as she storms to the living room. "How could you betray me like that Elijah?! I thought you loved me?!"

"I'm sorry Inez. I really did love you, but I loved summer more." She looked at me before sighing.

"She's the girl in my heart." I say, making her sigh. "I know. I'm sorry for ruining your relationship with her,"

She walks over to me, as I hug her tightly. "You know, I'll always love you..." I say to her.

"As a friend.."
I whisper in her ear.

"You know, I'll always love you

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"You know, I'll always love you..."
Oh. I guess he was just playing with me after all. Maybe Inez was the one he really loved.

I'm so stupid.

I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes, as I stare at them. Just then, Elijah's eyes snap to me.

My eyes widen, as he releases from the hug, and walks to me. I walk away quickly, not wanting to confront him or to be confronted.

"Summer." He called me, but I didn't turn around. "Summer. It's not what it looked like." He shouted from behind me, as I continued to walk away.

I walked outside slamming the door. "Summer please listen to me baby." I ignore him instead, and walk towards the sidewalk, not knowing where I'm going, but just wanting to get out of this situation...

" I ignore him instead, and walk towards the sidewalk, not knowing where I'm going, but just wanting to get out of this situation

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Hey lovelies, sorry that it's a short chapter, but I will make a part two of this!!
TYSM for reading!!

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