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Song: Jealousy, Jealousy
Artist's Name: Olivia Rodrigo

Song: Jealousy, JealousyArtist's Name: Olivia Rodrigo _________-🌼-

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"Oh my god,"
"No way,"
"He's to good for her.."
"No way, shut up!"
"Fuck you." I mutter under my breath, hearing Elijah's faint chuckle form beside me.

"What's you're first class?" He asks me. I scoff at his question. "Why do you care?" I question laughing a bit.

"Because I'm you're boyfriend." He responds tightening his grip around my waist, but not too tight.

"Don't get so caught up in your role, Moretti." He chuckles at my nickname. "I'm just letting you enjoy it, while it lasts Hills."

I roll my eyes in response. "It's free period. I don't have class until nine o'clock." I answer shortly.

"Alright, let's start with our tutoring sessions then," I nod at him, entering the senior floor.

"Wait." I announce stopping him. "I shouldn't be tutoring you, because you are asking me for a deal that I'm currently doing right now."

I add, taking his arm off my waist, while I fold my arms across my chest. He raises and eyebrow smirking.

"Last time I checked, you were benefiting out of it too." He responds leaning closer. I roll my eyes at him.

"Is it too much work to date me, and tutor me?" I scoff at him. "Fyi, it is." He then encloses the space between us by trapping me by the railing of the stairs, his hands on either side of it, trapping my body beneath him.

"I'm sure you could do it," He adds, looking at me dead in the eyes. "Look, drop your little act, I know you're enjoying this."

"Uhm.. last time I checked, you're the one who's sexually manipulating me with you're fuck boy charms, that every girl drools for."

He smirks in amusement. "Aren't you just a smart little thing." He says leaning even closer.

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, lord farquad." I say mocking my head. "I'm not at all disappointed blondie."

"Sure you aren't." I respond narrowing my eyes at him. We stared at each other for what feels like Forever, until a voice breaks us apart.

"Summer—" I hear a manly voice echo, I push Elijah gently aside, as I look over the top of the staircase to see Luke.

"L-Luke," I stutter. "Summer, I have to talk to you." I nod at him, as he freezes. "Uhm.. in private?!"

I look over to Elijah to see him already glaring at Luke. "Elijah, could you leave us for a.. second?"

"No." I roll my eyes at him. "Please," I plead at him, but he only focuses his gaze on Luke.

"Just leave us alone, man." Luke speaks up walking towards Elijah reaching his height.

"Look mate, if you're not gonna leave things are about to get messy."

Elijah scoffs while saying, "Look asshole, I'm her boyfriend and I'm allowed to do whatever the fuck I want. But all I'm saying is if you do shit to her I'll ruin your fucking life."

Luke narrows his eyes at Elijah. If like was a cartoon character he'd have steam coming out of his ears. Just as I thought things were gonna get better, Luke throws a punch at Elijah's jaw.



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