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Song: Jealousy, Jealousy
Artist's Name: Olivia Rodrigo

Song: Jealousy, JealousyArtist's Name: Olivia Rodrigo__________-🌼-

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Oh no.
Elijah and I just locked eyes. My eyes widen a bit, a she doesn't shifts his gaze from me.

The girl beside him, looks at me too.. with a smile. I looked at them questioningly, before I finally broke the staring contest and flew off to Astrid and harls.

My breathing became heavy, as I sat down. "Woah, what happened with you?" I just shrug my shoulders taking a book from the pile that astride brought.

The summer I turned pretty
By: Jenny Han

I open the book, not creasing the spine of it. Hmm, this book seems pretty interesting, I'm gonna go and rent it.

"What are you guys reading?" They both open they're mouths to speak, but instantly close it.

They were looking at something from behind me. "Why are you guys so sho—WAIT IS THERE A SERIAL KILLER BEHIND ME?!"

They both shake their heads. I forcefully turn around to face the serial killer itself.

"It is the serial killer." I mutter rolling my eyes. I was about to turn around again, when he grabs ahold of my shoulders and steadies them.

"What do you want Elijah?" He sneers at me. "Didn't you forget? We have tutoring lessons stupid."

I scoff in response. "I don't think we need to do that anymore cause it looks like you already had a tutoring session with that girl, oh and maybe an extra sex session too." I say angrily.

He chuckles at me. "Jealous?" I scoff at him. "Never. Now go back to your fuck buddy and leave me alone."

"I thought you said don't leave you alone." He repeats what I told him last night.

"You're have severely bad timing dumbass." He just rolls his eyes chuckling.

"I gotta go." I bid him, before grabbing Astrid and harlowe's forearms. "What was that for?" Harlowe questions.

"Don't you understand, I don't want to talk to him!?" I whisper shout to them. Astrid only crosses her arms and chuckles.

"Let's head to lunch."


"So, you guys coming to the game tonight?" Astrid questions us. "Totes!!" Harlowe responds, as I nod.

"Girls, I have major tea!! Ace just asked me to wear his jersey tonight!!" I clap my hands at her.

"Oh my god!! I'm so happy for you!!" I cheer, as Astrid jumps. "How bout' you trid?"

"Uhm.. actually, S-Silas asked me.. to wear his jersey.." I smile widely at her. "OH MY GODDD!! AHHHH!!!" I cheer at her.

"What about you, sum?" Harlowe asks me. "No one.. really," I reply looking down at my lap while fidgeting with my hands.

"Hey, hey it's fine girl." Astrid, comforts me, as I smile at her sweetly. "Alright, let's get home."


(Summer's Outfit + dark green heels)

"Okay, we're all set?!" We both nod, as we hop into harlowe's car. "I'll connect my playlist." I announce.

Out of my league - Fitz and the Tantrums


We sung along for a few more minutes, before we reached the school. We get out, and head towards the snack bar.

"Cheese Popcorn, corn on the cob with cheese, lemonade, and a pack of nerds please." I order, the man's eyes widen, as Astrid and harlowe chuckle.

"I'll take a blue lemonade, some butter popcorn, and one of those football cookies." Astrid orders.

"Uhm.. I'll have a lemonade, a pack of Skittles, and corn on the cob buttered," the man nods, as he grabs the snacks.

"Ace already reserved us seats, so we can head to the boys locker room after this." Harlowe announces with a wide smile on her face.

We nod at her, as we get the snacks. We rush towards the boys locker room, to see them talking.

There was Silas, Ace, Jaxon, Elliot, Luke, Bryan, and.. Elijah. Me and Astrid run over to Silas.

"Good luck bro." I say to him with a wide smile on my face, as I punch his jaw playfully.

He chuckles at me, as his gaze shifts to Astrid. "You look amazing, Astrid.." I can see the coat of blush on Astrid's cheeks as she looks away from him.

I hug him quickly before backing away. "Hey, where's my hug at Sunnie?" Luke calls out to me.

He was Silas' best friend, and he had this nickname for me; Sunnie. "I'll leave you two lovers be," I say winking at them.

I quickly skip over to Luke, and give him a big hug. He places his hands on my waist encircling it tightly.

"Good luck, Lucas!" He chuckle at me. "Wow, full name." I laugh at him my teeth on full display. "That's for good luck, Lucas." I respond winking at him.

He smirks at me, his hands still on my waist. I drop my hands to his shoulders. "Hey, hey, hey back up luke. She's my lil sis," I hear Silas' voice.

I chuckle at him, as he removes his hands from my waist. I look around and coincidentally lock eyes with Elijah.

He was glaring at me and Luke. His tongue was poking out on the inside of his cheek, as his hands turn into fists, on leaning on the locker, his fists were turning white.

I raise an eyebrow, as I roll my eyes and look for harlowe and Astrid. "Come on, girls we're gonna be late." I say to them, they both kiss Silas and ace's cheek before they skip to me.

"Well that was awkward."


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