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Song: Double Take
Artist's Name: Dhruv

Song: Double Take Artist's Name: Dhruv __________-🌼-

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He kisses me passionately, holding my waist to his direction. My eyes were wide open, but slowly closed melting into the kiss.


His lips tasted like cherry, it felt like a million fireworks had popped. The butterflies around my stomach were dancing happily, as my heart was happier than ever.

He bites my lip, before slowly pulling away. I could feel my whole face turning all shades of red as the crowd cheers loudly.

"WHOO!!" I hear harlowe scream form behind us. Elijah looked down at me smirking, as I still can't process what just happened.

The crowd slowly disappears later on, as the only people left is me, Elijah, Silas, Astrid, harlowe, ace, and Elliot.

Elijah stands beside me, putting his arm around my shoulder squeezing it. "Well, that was a shit show." Harlowe says chuckling.

My smile fades realizing that it was only for show. I sigh, already exhausted. "Let's just go home." I say quietly.

Harlowe and Astrid nod, as I take Elijah's arm off of my shoulder. "Bye,"He smiles at me softly, before I turn around and head to harlowe and Astrid.

"AGHHH WHAT JUST FUCKING HAPPENED?!" I shout at them, as they shake their heads chuckling.

"You're not dumb biotch, and you know it." I laugh at Astrid getting in the backseat.

"I just, wish that this was all just real. He was real, we were real." I mumble looking outside the window.

"I just hope Inez gets back together with him soon enough, so I can't fall for him even more."

I say sighing, a sI fidget with my hands. This was for sure going on the school news tomorrow.

People just can't bear minding their own businesses..?!

I sigh, as we pull up to harlowe's house. We were gonna have a sleepover since we just felt like it!?!

Anyways, I unbuckle my seatbelt and head towards the front door with them. Harl unlocks the door, and leads us to her room, but a voice calls out for us

I suddenly freeze as I see her.
She was harlowe's cousin, and she was sitting down at the sofa. She was my biggest bully back then when I..

I gulp thickly as her gaze meets mine. She smirks at me standing up while heading my way.

"Well if it isn't little summer..?" She says twirling her brunette hair. She was very attractive brunette hair, olive skin, blue eyes, long lashes.

"Leave me alone, Hannah." I warn her, as she towers over me. "Hmm, how about.. no."

I roll my eyes at her. "Cut it off, you two. Summer let's go. And Hannah, fuck off you son of a slutty whore."

Hannah gasps angrily as harlowe rolls her eyes at her. "Come on girls, let's go." Astrid announces, locking her arms with ours.

Don't tell me Hannah's moving to Parkview again...?!


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