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Song: Call it what you want
Artist's Name: Taylor Swift

"Did you also know that your daughter has a boyfriend?" My dad's eyes pop out of their sockets

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"Did you also know that your daughter has a boyfriend?"
My dad's eyes pop out of their sockets.

"Who?!" He questions intrigued. Just then, some hula dancers, encircle around Elijah dancing, as he comes to me with a box in his hand.

"Oh my, please don't tell me you're proposing." Dad mumbles stressed. We chuckle at him, as Elijah a necklace around my neck with his initial on it, 'E'.

"Summer Kristen hills, would you like to be my girlfriend?"
"Yes, Elijah, yes!!"
Elijah picks me up hugging me, while twirling me around.

"Fuck, I'm so happy." He mumbles to me, while kissing me passionately. "Awww." My dad whines from his seat, shedding fake tears.

"My little girl is growing up," He says smiling sweetly at us. "I'm so lucky to have you." Elijah mumbles, while placing his forehead with mine.


"We're here!!"
Silas shouts, as I get up from Elijah's lap, shaking him. "We're here Elijah." I say, as he opens his eyes.

We hop out of the car, Silas unlocking the house. Once we step inside, we see Soleil.


Elijah tightens his grip on my waist. Did he know? I look up to him uncomfortably.

He nods reassuring me. Soleil walks over to us, "Where have you two been." She asks me and Silas.

"With our real parent." He replies laughing. Soleil glares at him, "And, who are these people? Who invited them here?"

"We did. Is there a problem bitch?" He responds. Soleil suddenly slaps him hard.

He brings his hand up to his face rubbing the red area. "Make them leave." Silas whispers to me.

I nod leading them to the exit. "Bye." I bid, stepping inside the house again. Soleil had slapped Silas many times now.

"Dad told me not to hit women, but you're not a woman. You're a fucking bitch."
He mumbled, before punching her stomach, making her crouch down to the floor.

My eyes widen, as I hold in my laugh. Finally this bitch was getting a taste of her own medicine!!

"Being our foster parent, doesn't give you an excuse to hit me." He said kicking her stomach, "to hit my sister." He kicks her again, "to order us around." Kick, "to control us." Kick, "And to disrespect us." He kicks her one more time, before blood was spitting out of her mouth.

"Clean that." He orders, before gesturing me to follow him upstairs. "Silas.." I trail off, before laughing.

"That was bomb!!" He chuckles at me, before hugging me tightly. "I'll call the police later, and file a case for her."

I nod, walking to my room.
It had been a long week.
I think to myself, as I gripped my necklace.
His initial on a chain around my neck.

His initial on a chain around my neck

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