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Song: Mine
Artist's Name: Taylor Swift
*This is gonna be a long chapter*

Song: MineArtist's Name: Taylor Swift__________-💐-*This is gonna be a long chapter*

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"Don't. You. Fucking. Dare. To. Cry."
I held back my tears, as my head gazed on the hardwood floor, tears dripping down it.

My knees hurting from my position, and my body red all over from all the hitting. Bruises covered my arms and legs, even my face.

The belt snaps, making me flinch in fear. "I told you, one thing. And you disobeyed me once again. One fucking thing. Never break up with Kane."

"And what did you do?"
Silence was loud, only my muffled cries were visible to the ears.
Her belt makes contact with my thighs again, making me groan in pain.
"I-I broke.. up with.. him.."

"Lay down." I lay down reluctantly, faced down. She hits my back once again with the belt, creating new bruises every time.

I could feel blood gushing out of my arms and legs, but I decided to ignore it. "Soleil- P-please.. stop." I whimper at my step mom.

"Now you know better than to break up with him. We would've been married, I would've received all the riches in the world. Now his father doesn't want to marry me ANYMORE BECAUSE OF YOU."

I cry quietly, as she gets up hits me one more time, gets her luggages and leaves.

"I'm going to my business trip. Make sure the house is clean when I get back bitch."

Once she leaves, I cry in happiness. She's gone, for a week. Finally!! I get up, my body still sore.

Silas was throwing a party later, and I needed to get back with cane, so this was the perfect Chance to do so.

Kane broke up with me, and spread rumors all over town that I cheated on him. But I caught him red handed fucking with someone at a party.

I broke up with him right there, even though I knew the consequences. I just couldn't bear to be with him anymore.

But I only had to date him, because of Soleil. She forced me to date him, so that kane's father would marry her.

I clean the blood and tears on the floor, so there's no trace of it later at the party. I don't really feel like partying right now.

So, I guess I'll just stay in my room or get some drinks later. I head up to my room, take a nice long shower, and got dressed.

I just got dressed into some gray sweatpants, air force 1s, a white tube top, and a gray jacket.

I put my glasses on since I was just at home, and decided to watch a movie on my own.

"Hey, summer you coming downstairs for the party?" Silas asks, while opening the door.

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