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Song: Wildest Dreams
Artist's Name: Taylor Swift

Song: Wildest Dreams Artist's Name: Taylor Swift ____________-🌼-

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"You heard me." I respond chewing on my Taco. "So let me get this straight.. you're fake dating Elijah Moretti..?"

"Did I stutter?" They roll their eyes at my sarcasm. "But, I don't give a fuck about him. I just need to get Kane back, so.. that his dad will get back together with Soleil."

They nod slowly, looking up at something from behind me. "Why are you guys—"

I pause at the feeling of strong arms wrapping round my shoulders. "Sunshine, please forgive me."

I freeze at his low voice. I breathe out before answering him. "No, Elijah." He was his arms tighter.

"Please," I sigh at him. "Fine." I roll my eyes, taking off his arms, as he sits beside me.

"What do you want. I don't see Inez here." His smirk suddenly turns into a frown. "Just here to spend some time with my girlfriend."

I narrow my eyes at him, making his grin even wider. "We'll be right back," I say. "Bu—"

I grab his forearm, and head to the Janitor's closet. "Look, I don't want you to act like this okay?! It's weird for.. me."

"What do you mean, you are my girlfriend though," He says pinning me to the wall in the small space.

"In your dreams." I add, making him scoff. He leans his head to me closing the gap.

His head passes by mine and lands right by my neck, his lips in contact with my ear.

"Trust me baby, you're the one who's dreaming." Once he pulled away, he smirks at me before exiting the Janitor's closet.

My hands find my way up to my chest. My heartbeat had increased so much. I breath out, before stepping outside the Janitor's closet.

"What were you two doing in there?"
I flinch hard at a sudden voice beside me. I look beside me to see.. Hallie.

She was the school's gossip girl, and news paper writing girl. She couldn't keep her mouth shut, which is why everyone fears her.

Not the Regina George type of way though. More like the blabber girl type of way.

"I said, what were you doing in there with.. Elijah Moretti..?" I froze in place. Did she think we were having sex..?

"Uhm.. NO— I-Its not what you think it is.. I— he's my.. uh.. boyfriend, and we just.. had a private.. conversation."

She nods at me with suspicion, "Uh-huh, sure you did." She then walked off tossing her black braids behind her back.

I slap my palm to my forehead, knowing this will be all over the school's page tomorrow.

Oh fuck.

Oh fuck

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