T H I R T Y F O U R | P A R T 2

182 2 0

Song: Positions
Artist's Name: Ariana Grande
*Smut Warning*

Song: PositionsArtist's Name: Ariana Grande ____________-🌼-*Smut Warning*

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"I'll sleep on the couch."
He rolls his eyes, clearly irritated. "No. You're sleeping on the bed, I'm sleeping on the couch.
"Let's just share the bed."
I shout at him with widened eyes. "Why not?" He questions walking closer to me, as I back away my back hitting the wall.

He walks over to me, pinning me with both of his hands. "You're not going anywhere." He whispered attractively in my ear.

My breathing becomes heavy, as I push him away. He tumbles away scoffing. I glare at him, as my phone lights up with a notification.

Oh god, he's right next to my phone.

He narrows his eyes, taking my phone from the bed and reading my notification. "Hey!!"

I shout, moving to him. "Why the fuck so Elliot texting you? Didn't I tell him to not talk to you anymore." He says, his jaw ticking.

"You don't get to control me or Elliot!!" He walks to me, towering over me. "Yes I do. I may not have control over him, but I'm controlling you. Because you're mine. You've been mine since the moment we've met. No one touches or talks to you. You're all fucking mine. You understand that?" He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"I said do you understand?"
"Good girl."
He lifts up my chin, before pushing me by the wall and kissing me passionately. I kiss him back, starving for his lips.

His cherry lips.

He places his hands on my waist pulling me in. My pussy makes contact with his boner, making me gasp.

He chuckles before taking the chance, and slipping his tongue inside my mouth, making it even better.

He lifts me up, as I wrap my legs on his waist. He places me down the bed, as I lift up his shirt.

He takes off his shirt swiftly, before taking mine off. He pulls me in closer, unclasping my bra making me gasp.

Was this really happening?

He pushes me down the bed revealing my bare chest, making him smirk, before kissing by my stomach trailing down my waist, to the waistband of my pants.

He takes it off leaving me in my lace lingerie. He looks at me for consent, "May I?" I hesitantly nod at him, making him smirk.

He slides my panties off, kissing down my thighs, to the inside of it, getting closer and closer to my pussy.

"Are you ready?"
He nods before, sticking one of his fingers inside me making me gasp. "AHHHH..." I moan loudly.

He kisses me making me shut up. "Be quiet, we don't want them to hear, yeah?" I smirk at him, before he sticks in another finger.

I moan out his name making him chuckle. Just then, he goes faster. Fuck, my orgasm is coming.

Just as he goes the fastest, my eyes roll to the back off my head in pleasure. "Fuck.. I have an orgasm.." I mutter.

"You're so wet." He chuckles. I look down to see my pussy wet as fuck. He kisses my thigh, licking my pussy clean, before trailing to my chest leaving hickeys on it.


Fuck, my legs are all sore.
I try to sit up, but my legs refuse to cooperate.

Wait we that?!

I look down my waist, to see him holding onto my bare body. Wait.. I just lost my V-Card..

No. Fuck no. Silas is gonna be fuming.

I take his hands off me, and shake him to wake him up. "Elijah!!" I shout making him bolt up.

"Get up."

OMG!! THEY FINALLY FUCKED!?THE MOMENT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!!I'm sorry tho, if these smut scenes are not that detailed, since it's my first time writing smut

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I'm sorry tho, if these smut scenes are not that detailed, since it's my first time writing smut..🤭😳
Made me blush like a
godamn unicorn🌈🦄

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