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Song: Perfect x Happier
Artist's Name: Ed Sheeran
& Olivia Rodrigo

Song: Perfect x HappierArtist's Name: Ed Sheeran& Olivia Rodrigo_________-🌼-

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"So, you guys are finally official?"
Harlowe questions, making us both nod. "Alright, well I gotta go to class bye Elijah!" I bid.

"Where's my goodbye kiss at?" I shake my head at him, before reaching my tippy toes, to kiss his cheek, and hug him before walking off.

Just then, I see someone crying. Wait.. is that.. Inez..? I walk to her, "I-Inez? Are you okay?"

She looks up at me with red and sore eyes. She suddenly hugs me tightly, "No I'm not. But I hope you're happy with Elijah. Please, promise me. Promise me that you'll make him happy, and love him always. Please, take care of him. For me, because I couldn't."

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, as she cries on my shoulder. "I wish you two the best.."

"I hope you're happy."
Was the last thing she mumbled, before walking off wiping her tears.

I felt sad for her so much. Because.. I knew the feeling. I knew she was first. I knew she still loved him..

And yet, she gave him up for me..

What am I doing with him?! I have.. to make things right.. It's the right thing to do..


I shout from across the field where they were practicing. "Yes, baby?" He asks rushing to me, and kissing my cheek.

I melt at his touch, "We.. have to.. talk.." he looks at me confused, "About what?"

I gesture him to follow me to the bleachers, far away. It's been two weeks since that.

"Look.. we.. have to.. break up.. I'm sorry Elijah." His smile instantly fades, and I can feel my heart shatter to pieces, as I watch his eyes fall.

"Why..?" He questions, his voice breaking making me cry inside. "I have to move to L.A with my dad, and I think.. Inez is what's best for you."

He looks at me with disappointment, "Summer.. please don't go, I'll do anything. I'll move to L.A too!! Please, just don't leave me!! Please.." He pleads hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry Elijah." I say trying to contain my tears inside. "I have to leave tomorrow. Just know, you're the best boyfriend. I love you.. always Elijah."

He pulls away with sunken eyes. I smile at him one last time, before walking away.

Once I exited the field, tears burst from my eyes. I scream loudly. Why was life so unfair?

I hope they'll be happy, but never happier.

I wipe my tears, running back to Astrid's car. "I did it." I say crying. I couldn't contain myself, it felt like I was going to go hysterical over this.

I wanted to break up with him for Inez, but I didn't want to see them. So.. I gave my dad a call, and he respected my decision.

"He'll always love you, summer."

"Elijah?! You okay? I've been calling you several times now?!"I suddenly burst into tears

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"Elijah?! You okay? I've been calling you several times now?!"
I suddenly burst into tears. I grip my face with my hands. Fuck. I can't handle not being able to see her, to touch her, ot hear her, to not be with her anymore..
It felt like I was going into hysterics.

"What's wrong bro?" Ace asks, sitting down next to me. I grip my face with my hands.

"Summer just broke up with me. And she's leaving tomorrow and moving to L.A."

Tears continue slipping from my eyes. I couldn't bare going through every fucking day without her.

"What?!" The boys exclaim in disbelief. "Did you know this Silas?" I ask him. He walks over to me, hugging me as I cry on his shoulder.

"I love her, more than anything."

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