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Song: Deja Vu
Artist's Name: Olivia Rodrigo

Song: Deja Vu Artist's Name: Olivia Rodrigo___________-🌼-

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"The fuck summer."
It was Silas. He was standing in front of me, with a scowl on his face. "Don't tell me you did it again."

Tears fill my eyes, as I hug him tightly. He hugs me back, and I just know that he's crying too.

"C'mon let's get you inside, it's cold." I nod, still attached to him, as we walk inside.

It was pretty clean, except for a few spilt drinks, and beer bottles on the ground, and of course the punch on the coffee table.

"Look, I promise I'll tell them to delete the video." I nod at him, while walking upstairs.


I dry my blonde hair. My hair became a tint of red from the punch that was. I got changed into some satin pajamas, and went to bed.


Who the fuck was calling me? I forcefully get up, and answer the phone

"Where the fuck are you? It's free period,
You're late dumbass."
"Wait. What."
*Hangs up*

Fuck, I'm really late. I rush to my closet, and choose a pretty cute but rushed outfit.

 I rush to my closet, and choose a pretty cute but rushed outfit

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(Summer's Outfit + Black heels)


nce I got dressed, I hurried towards the door. And got inside the bus. I did my makeup pretty quickly inside it.

Whoo, finally here. I step outside, to see that it's still free period. I hurried inside, and already spot the people laughing and gossiping about me.

I keep my head down, to my locker. I open it, and grab a few things, before I turn around to see harlowe and Astrid walking over to me.

"Hey, Summer you okay?" Astrid questions, as I hug her 5'4 frame. "Thanks so much."

She nods at me, while harlowe smiles at us. "Where's Silas?" I question them. They both shrug their shoulders.

"Let's go to the library." I nod at them. We start walking up to the second floor.

The seniors floor.

I take a deep breath, as I can already hear people murmuring about me. "Oh would you fucking shut up." I shout towards the seniors looking at me.

I roll my eyes pushing the library door, with Astrid and harlowe following behind me.

We immediately look for a table. There it is. They sat on the table where I tutored Elijah in.

I shake my head refusing to think about him. And, no I wasn't falling in love with him. How could anyone even fall in love that fast?

I was just upset, because he was the only person that I felt like I could tell all my secrets to, where I could cry without him even questioning me. He felt like my comfort person.

But I had a huge crush on him back then, since he was my brother's friend then. So he mostly came over to our house.

I shake off my thoughts, and decided to scroll through the genres. Romance, sci-fi, horror, edu-

I freeze, when I see Elijah laughing with some girl at a table. It looked like she was tutoring him.

She was a pretty girl, no.. a gorgeous girl. She had long brunette locks, olive skin, the most captivating emerald green eyes, and her teethy smile, that could make anyone's day better.

He looked happy with her. I hate to admit this, but I somehow felt jealousy..?!

Or I just hated being replaced.

Or I just hated being replaced

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