Chapter 4

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Jimin sits down with his bowl of porridge, he can't help but notice how his appetite has improved. He eagerly takes spoonfuls of the warm and comforting meal, savoring each bite.

Feeling more independent, Jimin decides to take the public bus to school instead of getting a ride from Mr. Park. He grabs his backpack, making sure he has everything he needs, including his student ID card.

When he arrives at the bus stop, he looks around and spots a mini market nearby. Curiosity gets the best of him, and he decides to check it out.

The mini market may not be very big, but it's filled with an assortment of items. As Jimin steps inside, he's immediately drawn to the display of cold drinks near the entrance. His eyes land on the row of different milks, each with its own tempting flavor.

While Jimin ponders his milk options, the friendly cashier, who has been observing him, can't resist asking, "Hey there, Little boy! Are you interested in buying some milk?"

Jimin, wanting to assert his independence and maturity, turns his head and points at his school uniform. With a determined tone, he says, "I'm in middle school, so please don't call me 'little boy'."

Without waiting for the cashier's response, he confidently adds, "I'm just here to look around, not planning to buy anything today."

After saying goodbye, Jimin leaves the mini market and luckily, his bus arrives just in time at the bus station. But, oh boy, the bus is super crowded! Jimin squeezes his way in, desperately searching for a little space to stand.

As the bus starts moving, it sways back and forth, making it really hard for Jimin to stay steady. He has to hold onto the ring above him while standing on his tiptoes. And when the bus suddenly stops, his body jerks forward uncontrollably. To make matters worse, someone pulls on his backpack, causing a whole lot of complaints from the other passengers.

Thankfully, Jimin manages to grab onto a pole for support. In the midst of all this chaos, he spots Hoseok behind him, standing at around 170 cm, which is a whole head taller than Jimin.

Hoseok looks concerned and asks, "Are you okay?"

Jimin just nods, feeling a bit speechless at the moment.

Being the awesome friend that he is, Hoseok gestures towards a more spacious area and said, "Stand here."

Jimin quickly moves to the indicated spot and gratefully replies, "Thank you."

For a moment, there's a peaceful silence between them before Hoseok speaks up again, "Hey, I heard from Yoongi that your parents were asked to come to the school?"

Jimin gives him a questioning look and expresses his unhappiness, saying, "Why did he tell everything to you?"

Hoseok, feeling a bit nervous, explains, "Well, since you didn't show up at the bookstore yesterday, I asked him about it. I didn't have any ulterior motives, I just wanted to let you know that my parents were also called in."

Jimin pauses for a moment and asks, "Your parents too?"

Hoseok confirms, "Yeah, that's right."

Curious, Jimin asks, "What was the reason for that?"

Hoseok takes a moment to think and then responds, "Honestly, I didn't pay much attention during the lecture in class."

Jimin nods in understanding and admits, "Ah, I did the same thing."

Hoseok scratches his head and calmly says, "Yeah, it was just too easy to zone out. I didn't feel like listening."

Playfully, Jimin questions, " that's why you end up at the bottom of the class in the previous exam?"

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