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A/n: Long chapter ahead, grab your popcorn you are going to looove this.


After New Year's Day, Jimin reached out to Jungkook on WeChat to ask if that woman had contacted him again. When Jungkook replied with a negative answer, Jimin felt a sense of relief washed over him. With that worry off his mind, he could now fully concentrate on his upcoming examination.

So on the 20th, which was the last day of his examination week, Jimin made sure to book his ticket in advance for the afternoon of the 21st to fly back home. It seems like he's the first one from their dormitory to head back home. Before they all left, Jimin and his friends had already made plans to hang out together before going home.

So after their last exam, instead of returning to their dorm, they decided to head straight to a restaurant to grab a bite to eat.

After the meal, Sehun suggests, "Hey, there's a new club that just opened up! Do you guys want to check it out?"

Jin blinks and asks, "Can I bring my boyfriend along?"

Sehun replies, "Sure, no problem!"

As they arrive at the newly-opened club, they notice that most of the guests are college students. It's a lively atmosphere, and they bump into several familiar faces from their university. Interestingly, the owner of the bar happens to be a graduate student from their university as well.

Jimin and his friends from the same department have been to this bar before, and they have no complaints or objections. They're all enjoying themselves and having a great time.

Sehun turns to Jin and asks, "Hey, Jin, is your boyfriend coming?"

Jin smiles and starts typing a message on his phone. He says, "Almost here. I feel like he's taking some of his friends too."

Sehun excitedly shares, "Actually, I'm interested in someone at the bar. You'll see him later. He's the one who plays the guitar."

Sehun then adds, a bit shyly, "I believe, When it comes to pursuing someone you like, it's all about being brave and putting yourself out there.

Jimin, stops drinking and listens intently.

"Show them your genuine interest and let your actions speak louder than words. Sometimes it takes time to build a connection. But Trust your instincts and go for it! You never know what beautiful possibilities may await."

Sehun looks at his reflection on his phone screen and says with a hint of self-confidence, "If I go after him, I'm sure I can win him over."

Meanwhile, Jin turns his head and notices Jimin's silence. Concerned, he asks, "Jimin, are you feeling down? Why aren't you joining the conversation?"

Jimin quickly regains his composure and smiles, saying, "No, I'm just listening to you guys. Carry on!"

The bar wasn't crowded, but to his surprise, there are only a few people around. Jin's boyfriend is called over, and he, invites Eunwoo and his other mates to join them.

Eunwo naturally takes a seat beside Jimin.

Although Jimin and Eunwoo usually communicate through WeChat, they've never had a face-to-face conversation before. Jimin glances at Eunwoo and doesn't feel awkward, but he also doesn't take the initiative to start a conversation.

Eunwoo is quite handsome, with charming eyes and a tall, slender frame. His smile radiates brightness, like a man full of sunshine.

Soon they start to play dice. Jimin decided not to join the game and instead sat alone on the side, engrossed in his phone. He was feeling a bit down and his mood wasn't the best that night, so he quietly sipped on his beer.

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Where stories live. Discover now