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The tension hung heavy in the air as Jimin found himself grounded, confined to the four walls of his house. His dad's strict punishment forbade him from stepping foot outside. Jimin felt like a caged bird, longing to spread his wings and fly freely. But in this moment, he had to find solace within the confines of his room.

Jimin's mom really wanted him to focus on his studies, so she talked to his dad about it. It was important to her that Jimin continued his education. Even though Jimin was grounded, they didn't let that stop him. They requested Jungkook to continue tutoring jimin.

Jimin couldn't help but feel a sense of heartbreak and disappointment when he realised that Jungkook didn't react to his revelation about liking a guy. Jimin had hoped for some kind of response, whether positive or negative.

The fact that Jungkook seemed unfazed by it made Jimin question if Jungkook was secretly disgusted or if he simply chose to ignore the matter altogether.

These thoughts weighed heavily on Jimin's mind, leaving him feeling uncertain and hurt.

As New Year's Eve approaches, Jimin can't help but feel anxious. He realizes that this might be the last time he gets to see Jungkook, as they both have important things coming up. Jimin's exams are just around the corner, and Jungkook is preparing for his graduation ceremony.


The day before New Year's Eve,

Jimin finishes his last lesson and starts tidying up when he overhears Jungkook's words.

"Later on, make sure to listen well in your lectures. If you don't understand something, ask the teacher or taehyung. And if you have any questions or problems, you can always send me a photo of it, and I'll help you out," Jungkook suggests.

Jimin nods, appreciating Jungkook's willingness to support him.

"After the exams, let me know how you did. It would be awesome if you get a high mark, so I can feel a sense of achievement too."

Jimin nodded again,

for now, go and have some fun time."
Jungkook said opening his phone.

Jimin takes his things and goes out, but he can't help but turn his head and call after Jungkook, mustering up his courage. He asks,

"Hyung, do you hate me?"

Jungkook's fingers halt as he looks at jimin surprised,

"Why are you saying this, did I do something wrong to make you think like that?" Jungkook asked, looking genuinely concerned.

Jimin shook his head, his eyes filled with vulnerability.

"No, it's just... I've been struggling with accepting myself, and I was afraid it would change how you see me."

Jungkook walks towards Jimin, bending down to his level and looking into his eyes. He reassures Jimin,

"Jimin, I don't have any problem with you liking any gender. It's just that dating at this age might not be appropriate."

"But my classmate also has lovers. I also want to experience it," Jimin said, his voice tinged with a hint of longing.

Jungkook's expression softened, understanding Jimin's words. He gently placed a hand on Jimin's arm,

"I get it, Jimin. It's natural to feel curious about relationships, especially when you see others around you experiencing them. But trust me, there's so much more to life than just having a relationship at this moment."

Jimin looked at Jungkook, his eyes searching for guidance. "What do you mean."

Jungkook smiled. "Jimin, this is a time for self-discovery and personal growth. It's time to focus on building a strong foundation for your future. Relationships will come when the time is right, and you'll have amazing experiences when you're ready."

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Where stories live. Discover now