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⚠️ mature content ahead.😏 Get ready for some steamy scenes! ⚠️

That woman who asked Jungkook for his number, her expression quickly stiffens when she notices jimin on the other side. A moment of realization crosses her face, acknowledging Jimin's presence. She clears her throat awkwardly and utters, "I'm sorry, I disturb you," before swiftly making her exit, leaving the two alone.

Jungkook, sensing Jimin's discontent, approaches him, noticing his somber expression. Undeterred, Jungkook probes, "You're angry?"

Jimin meets his gaze, responding with a hint of detachment, "Why should I be angry?"

Amused by the situation, Jungkook attempts to stifle his laughter as he questions, "Why didn't you speak up earlier?"

Jimin, maintaining his composure, strides past Jungkook and retorts firmly, "She was asking for your number, not mine. Why would I say anything?"

Unfazed by Jimin's response, Jungkook playfully seeks forgiveness, jesting, "Forgive me, then."

Jimin, puzzled, looks at Jungkook and inquires, "Did I say something?"

Jungkook, seizing the opportunity for banter, teases Jimin, "Well, you did mention being jealous."

In a display of pride, Jimin defends himself, asserting, "You're the one who's jealous."

Arching an eyebrow, Jungkook challenges him, "So, you're not jealous?"

The tension in the air thickens as Jimin, unable to contain his feelings any longer, blurts out, "So what if I am jealous!"

Jungkook, caught off guard, lets out a surprised laugh and responds gently, "It's okay."

Jimin, now visibly agitated, begins, "Couldn't you..."

Jungkook interjects, "yes?"

With a calm demeanor, Jimin asserts, "Couldn't you have shown more restraint and waited for me there?"

Jungkook questions, "do you think I was misbehaving earlier?"

Jimin locks eyes with him.

Jungkook strikingly deep stare frame his captivating brown pupils. The intensity of his gaze has a mesmerizing effect on those who meet his eyes. His casual smile carries a hint of mischief.

Jimin boldly confronts him, "I noticed you engaging with her earlier."

This unexpected revelation leaves Jungkook momentarily speechless, almost choking on his words as he manages to utter, "What?"

"You were," Jimin asserts firmly, his tone serious as he plants false evidence against Jungkook. "How could that person approach you out of the blue and ask for your number if you were just standing there doing nothing?"

Jungkook, taken aback, questions, "How can you accuse 'the victim'?"

Jimin counters, "How can you be so oblivious?"

Jungkook challenges him, "Then tell me, how did I supposedly lure her? Can you paint a picture for me?"

Jimin hesitates, struggling to find the right words. He bows his head, attempting to craft his accusation carefully. "You... you glanced at her."

Silence hangs in the air.

In a sudden shift, Jimin adopts a bold and confident demeanor. He delivers his criticism sternly, "Yes, you glanced at her."

Jungkook, amused, remarks, "So, a glance equals luring?"

Jimin clarifies, "Not exactly, but we need to delve deeper into the context." He then scans Jungkook's attire and remarks, "You even made an effort with your outfit before going out."

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