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After all the drama, Mrs. Park really took action by contacting Teacher Choi about the blackmail situation. the school is paying attention to this issue and investigating it thoroughly.

Unfortunate many students have experienced similar bullying and blackmail but were too afraid to speak up. Thankfully, the police stepped in and those thugs are now behind bars.

Jimin is all healed now and doesn't really worry about his sprain anymore.

Taehyung still goes out of his way to pick him up from the school, even though he doesn't have to. And when Taehyung can't make it, someone else steps in. Sometimes it's Hyung Shik or Seo Joon, but most of the time,

it's Jungkook!

Jimin doesn't have to struggle anymore to meet Jungkook because now he has this amazing chance.

Lately, Jimin notices that Jungkook treats him similarly to Taehyung.
Jungkook likes to tease him, but he's also caring and gentle towards his feelings.

Jimin used to think that being younger put him at a disadvantage. He felt like adults didn't take him seriously and assumed he was innocent. However, Jimin's perspective has changed over time. He now sees being younger as an advantage.

Despite adults thinking he's innocent, Jimin actually understands a lot more. In fact, he's become quite clever and can even pretend not to understand certain things when it doesn't suits him.


Soon, Jimin's final examination results came and they weren't great, he was not in the top ten rank.
Because there were a lot of physics questions, and Jimin isn't interested in physics and didn't pay much attention during lectures. As a result, his academic performance took a big hit.

Mrs. Park and Mr. Park discussed the situation and even asked Taehyung for his opinion. In the end, they decided to have Taehyung tutor Jimin because they believed that if he couldn't grasp the basics, he wouldn't be able to understand the subject at all.

But it turns out that the tutorial didn't go so well. Jimin felt like everything Taehyung taught him was wrong, and they ended up arguing back and forth. Taehyung, being impatient, didn't want to repeat himself and thought the subject was easy.

Since Mrs. Park couldn't find a solution, so she hired a private tutor for Jimin.

That day, Mrs. Park reminded him about the tutor coming tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.

Jimin had a plan to scare away the private tutor, so he stayed up watching a drama until 3 am on purpose. He ended up oversleeping and woke up at 10:00 a.m!

Since Mrs. Park and Mr. Park were out, it was just Jimin and Taehyung at home. When Jimin came out of his room, he noticed that the living room was empty. He was surprised and went to check Taehyung's room, but the door was still closed. It seemed like Taehyung was still sleeping.

looks like the private tutor isn't coming.

Jimin's mood suddenly relaxes as he heads to the bathroom to freshen up. While brushing his teeth, he hears Taehyung opening his bedroom door.

"Hyung, cook me an instant noodle and add some ham too!" Jimin quickly yells,

His words come out a bit muffled since his mouth is full of bubbles.

After brushing, Jimin opens the faucet and rinses his mouth. he cleans up his face, as he realizes he didn't hear Taehyung's response.

In a hurry, he leaves the restroom and heads to the dining table. He hears noise coming from the kitchen and asks,

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