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It's the day when Taehyung is moving out,

and Jimin is sitting in his class, eagerly waiting for the school bell to ring. He's practically on the edge of his seat, just counting down the minutes. And then, in the next moment, The bell finally rings, and Jimin springs into action. He quickly puts on his backpack, not even bothering to say goodbye to any of his friends. his friends were left in shock, wondering where he disappeared so suddenly.

The main campus of Insight University was always bustling with people, and Jimin was quite familiar with it since he passed by it every day. It seemed like his school often borrowed facilities from the university for sports and other activities. In fact, people even referred to his middle school as "the attached middle school of insight University" because of this.

Jimin made his way to the front gate of the university and called Taehyung, but it turned out that Taehyung had completely forgotten about Jimin coming to help. When Taehyung answered the call, he was surprised and asked if Jimin was really there. Jimin innocently replied, "I'm at the front gate."

Taehyung repeat. "In the front gate... Wait ughh,"

"Now I have no time to pick you up, but don't worry, I'll guide you. Just get in and turn right. Keep walking straight until you see a staircase, then go up. Finally, head to the fifth floor of building 9, room 525. And if you're not sure, just ask someone about the male dorm building 9. Understand"

After about a minute, Jimin spots a big staircase and decides to go up. When he reaches the top, he sees a wide open area with buses and cars around. Just as he's about to call Taehyung, something catches his eye.

Mr. Park's car is parked nearby with the trunk open. Inside, there's a pile of books and a really ugly doll. Being the helpful person he is, Jimin decides to take the doll and books with him. But then, right as he's about to finish packing up, he notices someone standing behind him, blocking the sunlight.

Jimin notices that the person is wearing a black short-sleeve shirt. He looks up, observing their adam's apple, chin, lips, and finally their eyes. With every passing moment his eyes going wide,

Jungkook shifts his attention to the doll in jimin hands and bends down, meeting the his gaze. He smiles and playfully asks, " what are you doing, little thief?"

As he moves closer, Jimin's expression becomes stiff, unsure of how to respond. Sensing the tension, Jungkook points at his hands, raising his eyebrows. "Why are you only stealing my things?" .

There's a brief pause as Jungkook waits for a response. Then, in a casual tone, he asks, "Do you like it?"

Jimin's heart raced as he caught a whiff of the fresh lime mixed with a hint of cigarette scent emanating from Jungkook's body. The sunlight casts a golden glow on Jungkook, making him look even more gentle and dazzling.

It had been two long months since their last meeting, and Jimin couldn't help but notice that Jungkook's hair was now cut short. He wondered if he was imagining things, but Jungkook seemed taller than before.

jimin is so anxious that he doesn't even know where to put his hands. After a while, he musters up the courage to hand the doll back to Jungkook and says, "I didn't know it was yours."

Jimin feels so embarrassed that he lowers his head and shifts his body. But when Jungkook doesn't reply, Jimin nervously points at the box in the rear of the vehicle and explains seriously,

"I came to help Hyung move in. I saw there were things inside, so I wanted to help bring them up." He waits for several seconds, but Jungkook still says nothing.

Jimin hesitates for a while and adds, "If I knew the doll was yours, I wouldn't have taken it."

Jungkook's brows furrow as he straightens his back and repeats his words, "If you have known it's mine, you will not take it?"

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Where stories live. Discover now