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Jimin is feeling nervous, and he's taking his time to respond. He can't help but watch Jungkook, who's still holding onto his console.

The room feels different, like something's not quite right.

To fill the silence, Jimin slowly picked a slice of watermelon, and munched it, but it's not as sweet as he hoped. It's juicy but lacks flavor, making it less enjoyable.

He struggles to chew and swallow it,
then he gathers the courage to speak up.

"I've said those same words to my hyung," Jimin admits.

Jungkook's attention is suddenly grabbed, and he stops whatever he's doing to listen intently, as jimin continues.

"My friend's brother has a girlfriend. And ever since they got together, things have been a bit different between them. It's like he's not treating my friend the way he used to. That's why I think it's better if you don't have a girlfriend!"

Jungkook looks puzzled and asks, "Wait, why isn't he treating your friend well?"

Jimin takes a moment and starts explaining,

"Before his brother got a girlfriend, they were really close. They used to spend a lot of time together, but ever since he started dating, they've drifted apart. It's been tough for my friend because he really misses his brother."

Jimin's voice carries a hint of sadness as he shares this with Jungkook. Jungkook takes a moment to absorb the information.

Jimin adds, "If you decide to be in a relationship, it might change things between us too."

"Why are you thinking so far ahead, jimin?" Jungkook chuckled.

"Maybe after not meeting me for several years, you'll just completely forget about me."

Jungkook's words hit Jimin like a wave, leaving him speechless.

He stares at Jungkook, his heart breaking with each passing moment of silence.

Jungkook places the console back on the table, his expression softening.

"When the time comes, I'll find a partner with good manners,"

Jimin's heart aches as he musters the strength to ask,

"Someone who will treat me well?"

Jungkook smiles gently, his eyes full of warmth.

"Yeah, someone who will treat you better," he replies.

Jimin's gaze shifts to the watermelon on the plate, his eyes burning with unshed tears.

He nods slowly, "Okay."

After a moment, he adds with a hint of forcefulness,

"But when the time comes, you better introduce me to her. I want to see for myself that if she's deserving of you."

After sitting there in awkwardness, Taehyung returns home. jimin doesn't stay in the hall he quietly goes to his bedroom. Later jungkook also departed for his part time job.

Jimin's heart felt heavy as he returned to his bedroom, the weight of his unrequited feelings weighing him down. He knew deep down that there was no chance for them to be together, and it pained him to accept it.

But what troubled him even more was the fear of coming out to his family.

How is he going to tell his family that he likes boys.

The uncertainty of their reaction left him scared and vulnerable.

It was time for him to gather the courage to have that difficult conversation with his family, to let them know about his sexuality.

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Where stories live. Discover now