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Jimin's calm tone doesn't match the shocking words he just said, creating an awkward atmosphere. Jungkook remains silent, not knowing how to respond. The woman realizes that Jungkook has no intention of engaging, so she puts down her phone slowly, trying to control her expression.

Jimin steals a quick glance at Jungkook, their eyes meeting briefly before he looks away, feeling like he's fading into the background.

After a few seconds, Jungkook shifts his gaze and admits, "Uh, I guess I'm a scumbag."

"Moreover, recently I've been struggling to cope with it," he laughs lightly and shakes his phone. "You want my number? It's possible that you still need to wait in line." Jungkook looks at the woman with a smirk plastered on his face.

Jungkook acts like it's totally normal and doesn't feel any shame or guilt about it.

Jungkook raises his eyebrows and says, "what do you think?"

The woman looks at his smirking face as she takes a step back and forces herself to respond politely. "No."

"It's a shame," Jungkook sighs regretfully and looks away. "one day you'll change your mind..."

Jungkook's words trailed off as he looked towards the woman, only to find her gone in an instant.


Now, only Jimin and Jungkook are left standing there.

Jimin struggled to stifle his laughter, but it escaped in the form of a snort. Jungkook really needs to work on his skills when it comes to catching a woman,

Jungkook let out a loud cough and shot Jimin a glare, but Jimin simply looked away, pretending not to notice.

Then Jungkook turns his body fully towards jimin and asks sarcastically, "hmm, so I have almost thirty girlfriends?"

Jimin stands beside Jungkook, feeling a sense of unease. He notices that Jungkook's tone is gentle and calm, but there's something unsettling hidden beneath his smiles. It's as if Jungkook's smile conceals a hidden dagger. Jimin starts to think that it would be easier for Jungkook to get angry rather than act this way.

Jungkook casually mentions, "I fall short of one. How could I pass today?" His smile remains, adding to the mysterious atmosphere. Jimin, feeling timid and unsure, doesn't dare to say anything and awkwardly coughs instead.

Jimin becomes increasingly afraid, standing silently beside Jungkook. He doesn't even dare to peek, his anxiety growing due to the unpredictability of the situation. He swallows nervously and takes a step back, trying to gather his courage.

Suddenly, Jimin musters up the courage to shout, " bye bye!"

He quickly runs forward, as if he's trying to avoid something. However, Jungkook smirks and grabs his wrists, pulling him back gently.

Curious, Jungkook asks, "What are you running from?"

Jimin takes a deep breath and realizes that his chances of escaping are slim. He hangs his head low and says softly, "It's too late... The sky is dark. My mom will be worried if I'm not home yet."

Jungkook looks up at the darkening sky and expresses concern, "It's late, how can I let you go home alone?"

Jimin quickly reassures Jungkook, saying, "Don't worry, the bus stop is nearby. It's close to my house, and you also need to go back to your university. It'll be late for both of us."

Jungkook looks surprised and remarks, "Oh? I didn't realize you cared about me that much."

Jimin confidently responds, "Well, it's not a big deal. Why do you keep thinking about it? Besides, you didn't really lose anything."

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Where stories live. Discover now