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Jimin's gaze lingered on Jungkook's face, searching for any sign of impatience, but to his surprise, Jungkook remained calm and patient. It was one of the things Jimin admired most about him - his unwavering patience and understanding. As they stood there, the weight of the moment pressing upon them, Jimin couldn't help but be transported back to the first time they had met.

Years had passed and both of them had grown in so many ways. Yet, in this moment, it felt as if time had stood still. Jimin realized that despite the passage of time, his feelings for Jungkook had remained unchanged. It was a realization that left him feeling both vulnerable and hopeful.

Lost in his thoughts, Jimin was jolted back to reality when Jungkook withdrew his hand, casually licking the remaining chocolate sauce from his finger. His words hung in the air, leaving Jimin with a mix of confusion and anticipation. Did Jungkook's words hold a deeper meaning?

Jimin's voice trembled slightly as he mustered the courage to ask,

"Do your words imply what I think they do?" There was a hint of vulnerability in his tone, yet he tried to maintain a calm facade.

Jungkook paused for a moment, seemingly contemplating his response. Then, he asked, "Do these words carry another meaning?" His nonchalant demeanor contrasted with the intensity of the moment, leaving Jimin unsure of what to make of it all.

Silence enveloped the room as Jimin pondered Jungkook's question. Softly, almost in a whisper, he finally asked,
"You always have seen me as a little kid?"

It was a question that had lingered in Jimin's mind for so long, and now, in this vulnerable moment, he sought the truth.

"If you are willing then," Jungkook smiles, "even when you are ninety years old, I will also call you that way?"

"......." Jimin lowers his head and continues to chew his cake.

"It's just my way to call you." Jungkook smiles and says slowly: "If not, you call me hyung also, because you also think of me as your brother?"

Jimin feels awkward yet he nodded.

"Then I will change myself so that you will not be able to see me as a brother."

Jungkook adds: "I just turn into a rogue."

Jimin chuckled, unable to contain his laughter. "Come on, hyung, it's not that serious," he said, his voice filled with amusement.

Jungkook shrugged nonchalantly, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "Well, could you at least give me an answer?" he asked casually, pretending to be on the edge of his seat. "I'm so nervous right now that I can't even breathe properly."

Jimin couldn't help but roll his eyes, finding amusement in Jungkook's exaggerated act. "Seriously? Someone asking if they can chase after you?" he teased, unable to resist poking fun at his friend. "I never thought I'd see the day."

Jungkook plopped down on the chair next to Jimin, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, if I didn't ask you, wouldn't you just think my caring actions were just a senior looking out for you?" he questioned.

There was a brief moment of silence, both of them contemplating the question at hand.

Jimin sighed, feigning indifference as he averted his gaze. "Whatever," he replied, "It's your business, I can't control what you do."

Jungkook chuckled, his laughter filling the air. "So, do you have feelings for me then?" he asked, his tone teasing.

Jimin's cheeks flushed slightly, He glanced at Jungkook, a small smile playing on his lips. "Maybe, maybe not," he replied, "Guess you'll just have to find out."

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Where stories live. Discover now