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As Jungkook's eyes snap open, he was taken aback by Jimin's unexpected actions. He watches in surprise as Jimin steps forward, seemingly protecting him. However, Jimin quickly shifts his focus to Lisa, blocking her path and questioning her reckless behavior.

"Why are you making a scene?" Jimin asks, his voice filled with disbelief.

Lisa, undeterred, tries to assert control. "Who are you to meddle in?" she pushes, her tone becoming more forceful. "Do you even know why I did it?"

Jimin interrupts her, cutting her off sharply. "Why should I care about the reason?" he retorts. "If you raise a hand to strike, who would have any interest in talking reasonably with you? And if you dare to hit him, I will definitely hit you back."

Lisa is left speechless, her face turning red with a mix of shame and anger. She raises his hand, signaling her disapproval with actions.

Witnessing the tense situation, Jungkook quickly stands up and positions jimin protectively behind him. He glares at Lisa, his gaze filled with a dangerous intensity.

"Back off!" he warns firmly.

Lisa remains silent, unable to find a response. Jungkook's words ring in the air.

The argument between them escalates, as the waiter, approaches the group, urging them to stop arguing and find a resolution.

Suddenly, Lisa's friend intervenes, dragging her away from the situation, clearly embarrassed by her behavior. However, Lisa eyes remain fixed on Jungkook, her gaze filled with malevolence, as if harboring some ill intentions.

The atmosphere in the restaurant shifts from tense to relieved as the argument subsides. People who had been watching the commotion with rapt attention now return their focus to their own meals, relieved that the confrontation has come to an end.

Jungkook, still shaken by the intense encounter, finds himself unable to eat. He walks over to the cashier, settles the bill, and then takes Jimin's hand, leading him out of the hotpot store.

Sensing his distress, Jimin pulls out some tissues and gently offers them to Jungkook, who remains motionless, his gaze fixed on Jimin, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions that are difficult to decipher.

Feeling a sense of impatience, Jimin takes several more tissues and, standing on his tiptoes, tenderly wipes off Jungkook's face. As he does so, memories of the incident flood Jimin's mind, causing his eyes to narrow.

"Who was that girl?" He asks, his voice filled with unhappiness.

"No one." Jungkook straightens up and collects his thoughts. He leans forward slightly so Jimin doesn't have to strain on his tiptoes.

After pondering for a while, he responds, " she's actually my dad's former creditor?"

Jimin gazes at him, their faces now even closer than before, and speaks in a casual tone, "The last time I was at your place, I think I caught a glimpse of her."

As he contemplates the situation, Jimin asks, "Does she always act like that whenever she sees you?"

Jungkook remains silent for a few seconds, contemplating Jimin's question. Finally, he replies, "Well, it's not too far off from the truth. She can be quite unpredictable."

Jimin grabs a few more tissues and gently wipes the sweat off Jungkook's forehead. He mumbles, "Wow, it's really surprising. Does she struggle with controlling her emotions? I mean, she just utters a few words and then suddenly starts throwing hands..."

Jungkook smiles and tries to maintain an air of indifference, saying, "Perhaps I unknowingly did something unforgivable to her?" His voice carries a hint of sadness.

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