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The next morning, Jimin gently helped Jungkook wipe his face, arms, and elbows, displaying a tenderness that belied his attempts to appear disinterested. Though Jungkook remained in a drowsy state, he didn't open his eyes abruptly and remained silent.

After that he packed up and decided to leave, Jimin paused, contemplating something before asking, "Hyung, do you need anything? I can bring it to you tonight."

Jungkook, still groggy, responded with half-opened eyes. "I have my apartment keys in my jacket. You can take them and help me bring the laptop into my bedroom."

Jimin hesitated before asking, "What do you need your laptop for?"

Jungkook opened his eyes and smiled, saying nothing in response.

Jimin's expression turned sour as he exclaimed, "You're supposed to be taking a day off, and you're sick! Why would you want to work? Your boss won't even give you extra money for it."

Jungkook looked at him, remaining silent.

Jimin sighed, frustration evident in his voice. "I won't bring you the laptop. I'll bring you the other things. I'm leaving now."

After leaving the hospital, Jimin finds himself on the Metro. He decides to check Eunwoo's voice notes and hears him inviting him to join him and his friends at a arcade. he also offers to pick him up.

Jimin hesitates for a moment before replying, "I'm sorry, I didn't see my phone last night. Thanks for caring."

Once back at the dorm, Jimin takes a refreshing shower and changes into fresh clothes. Feeling energized, he heads to the classroom building for his classes. It's a busy Friday with classes scheduled from morning until 6:00 p.m., leaving him with no time to eat. After his last class, he quickly takes the Metro and makes his way to Jungkook's apartment.

Exiting the Metro station, Jimin takes out his phone and uses the maps app to navigate his way to Jungkook's apartment. He follows the directions, there's a restaurant and a small supermarket nearby. Jimin enters Jungkook's residential area. He takes the elevator all the way up to the fifteenth floor.

On that floor, there are four apartments, and Jungkook's room faces the south. Jimin unlocks the door with the key and steps inside. Since it's his first time in the apartment, he tries to find the light switch to brighten up the room.

The room has a stylish design with dark colors. The living room features a sofa and coffee tables in a sleek dark grey shade. The walls are painted in a similar color, creating a sophisticated atmosphere. The wooden floor is adorned with a square-shaped, dark-colored carpet in the middle.

As Jimin takes a look around, he notices a half-opened book on the sofa, along with a tall reading lamp right beside it. The curtain is closed, giving the room a slightly subdued vibe.

Jimin takes off his shoes and looks at the only slippers on the shoe cupboards. He hesitates whether he should wear them or not. At last, he decides to just wear his socks and starts thinking about what he should bring with him.

As he looks around the living room, his eyes land on three photo frames placed on the shelves above the TV. One of them is a photo of Jungkook and all his roommates wearing their graduation robes. The next frame holds a photo of Jimin and Jungkook during their own graduation ceremony. It's the first time Jimin has seen that particular photo, so he can't help but take a moment to really look at it.

In the picture, Jimin reach up to Jungkook's shoulder. They both look so young. Jimin was wearing a light blue sweatshirt, while Jungkook has his hand placed casually on Jimin's head, sporting a bright and cheerful smile, showing off his bunny teeth.

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