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The next day after school ends, Jimin is sitting alone in his classroom, diligently working on his homework. Just when he's engrossed in his tasks, Taehyung appears, ready to give him a ride home.

But this time, something feels different. It's only 4:30 p.m., and Jimin notices Taehyung accompanied by his two roommates, Jungkook and seo joon.

It seems like they're up to something, maybe they are going to play basketball.

Jimin quickly gathers his belongings and approaches Taehyung, unable to contain his curiosity. He asks, "why there are so many people to pick me up today?"

Taehyung shoots him a knowing look and replies, "yesterday, do you Remember those people who tried to bully you?"

Jimin's eyes widen with intrigue,

"They also want you to come over today." Taehyung asked further a dark glint in his eyes.

Jimin hesitated before nodding,

Taehyung's response is simple, "Take us there."

Jimin was speechless. he remembers those intimidating thugs, and he urgently warns Taehyung,

"No, I wont."

Taehyung's eyes narrow as he locks eyes with Jimin, "Chim, you really think I'm gonna sit back while some old Mother Fuckers bullies my brother? No way!"

Seo joon echoes Taehyung's tone, "That's right, me and your hyungs are here with you, so you don't have to be scared!"

Jungkook turn to seo joon with a scowl, "Aren't you hyung too?"

Seo Joon rolls his eyes and leans in to whisper something in Jungkook's ear, "No hyung title, for me. I mean, Just Look at him, he's so adorable! I'm already plotting my moves, gonna charm him in future!"

Jungkook seems frozen in his spot, staring at Seo Joon,

Seo joon  slowly approaches Jimin. And wraps his arms around Jimin's shoulders while he's engrossed in conversation with Taehyung.

Taehyung asked further, "What do they look like?"

Jimin replied, "They're three adult mens. the boss is taller than you by a head, and he's bald." Jimin thought for a moment. "They also have dangerous weapons."

Seo Joon's smile disappeared.

"What!! .... dangerous weapons... Is it a gun?"

Taehyung chuckled coldly, "Doesn't matter if it's a gun or a knife, we'll go show them what we are made of."

Seo joon gulped.

"If you're scared, you can stay here with Jimin, Seo Joon!" Jungkook interrupted, standing next to Jimin and removing Seo Joon's hand from Jimin's shoulder.

"Scared... me ... No way. We'll handle those tough guys together. Their gun or knife won't intimidate us!" Seo joon laugh acting tough.

Jimin leads the way, taking the three of them to that dimly lit alley.

"Jimin, You go back to school and wait there. We'll come to you when we're done here." Taehyung instruct.

"No, I won't leave you here. What if something bad happens to you guys?" Jimin worriedly exclaimed.

"That won't happen. Don't worry about us. Just remember, if we're late, call the police." Jungkook looks at Jimin and then turns towards the alley.


Three young man footsteps echo in the silent alley. Hearing the noise three imposing figures emerge from the shadows.

Jungkook calmly reaches into his pocket, retrieving a cigarette from his box. He confidently lights it, the smoke curling around him as he scans the scene.

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