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The car's radio is playing a slow song that makes Jimin's heart tingle and brings him a sense of calmness. And since Jungkook is sitting in the backseat, he doesn't fasten his seatbelt and keeps a seat space between him and Jimin. It's like they're finding a balance, not too close but not too far.

Then, Taehyung drives them to a Subway that's in a newly established area. It's still quiet there since not many places have been rented yet. Taehyung lets everyone get off first while he looks for a parking space.

When they all arrive at the restaurant, Jimin notices that Jungkook sits beside Seo Joon at a table for four, near the wall. Jungkook has this relaxed and lazy vibe, but it somehow makes him look like a young master. Jimin finds it attractive, even though he can't quite explain why.

At last, Taehyung made it to the restaurant and Jimin sat down beside him. Seo Joon grabbed the menu card and asked, "So guys, how about spicy sea food stew?"

Jimin tried to speak up but he hesitate.

Then, Taehyung put his car keys in his pocket, and snatched the menu card from Seo Joon. Taking charge, he said, "No, jimin can't eat spicy food. He has a stomachache problem."

Meanwhile, Jimin pretended not to listen to their banter and coincidentally locked eyes with Jungkook, who was sitting across from him. Feeling a bit flustered, Jimin quickly looked away in another direction.

After a while they finally decided to go with Taehyung order. They ordered fried kimchi and BBQ beef noodles.

Seo Joon, feeling satisfied , pointed at the menu and declared, "Okay, it's final. We're ordering."

Soon their order arrives, As the waiter starts placing the mouthwatering dishes on the table, Seo Joon's eyes light up with excitement. He turns to Taehyung, and said

"Hey Taehyung, are you up for some drinks today? Let's order a pitcher of beer."

Taehyung, being responsible and mindful of his upcoming driving responsibilities, declines the offer.

"Nah, I gotta drive later, so no drinks for me."

Seo Joon playfully rolls his eyes, expressing his disappointment in a lighthearted way.

"Come on, you don't drink, and even Jungkook doesn't drink. How can you guys enjoy barbecue without some ice-cold beer?"

Taehyung responds with a simple statement, pointing out the obvious.

"Can't you see, No drinks in front of Jimin, he's minor."

As their banter continues, Jimin notices Jungkook pouring water into a glass. When Jungkook raises his head, Jimin quickly averts his gaze. Jungkook places the glass of water in front of Jimin, who graciously acknowledges the gesture.

"Thanks you."

Jimin takes a sip of the refreshing water and listens to the conversation happening among the three men with mild disinterest.

Jimin's eyes light up with excitement as he gazes at the mouthwatering beef on the grill. He can't help but feel a strong craving for it. However, being considerate of the others, he restrains himself and only takes a few pieces. Just as he's about to savor his BBQ noodles, Jungkook suddenly calls out to him.

“jimin, can you pass me some beef ?”

Jimin stops and puts down his chopsticks. “Oh.”

Then he pushes the plate of ready BBQ in front of him.

Jungkook tears open a fresh pair of chopsticks, catching Jimin's attention. Jimin watches as Jungkook skillfully takes slices of beef from the plate and secretly places them in his own bowl. With a mischievous smile, Jungkook places the plate back in front of Jimin.

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Where stories live. Discover now