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The airport is huge, all lit up with bright lights, and filled with lots of people, drowning out Jimin's sobs. In the midst of his misery, he longs to disappear, to bury himself in a hole and conceal his tears, putting on a facade of normalcy.

He never anticipated this turn of events.

Then, there's this woman who's beautiful and kind. She seems like a great person, someone who could really help Jungkook out. Unlike her, Jimin feels inadequate, burdened by his troubles, always seeming to bring chaos into Jungkook's life.

From the start, he feels like an unnecessary addition, a surplus in the equation of jungkook's life.

He feels like he serves no purpose.

Jungkook, witnessing Jimin's struggle to contain his emotions, is transported back to the day they first met. A time when Jimin was carefree, crying without a care in the world, his only worry being his teacher's demand to contact his family.

Is it merely the inevitable process of growing up?

Or are his words too harsh?

Jungkook gently wipes Jimin's tears with his coat, his voice soft and comforting. "Don't cry. I don't feel it is troublesome," he reassures Jimin.

Jimin, feeling the weight of the situation, nods in response, following Jungkook's guidance.

"It's good that you could figure things out. It's good that you know your mistake," Jungkook speaks slowly, showing his understanding and concern. "We are not angry with you, we are just worried about you. Okay?"

Jimin lowers his head, tears welling up. "I know," he chokes out.

"Stand up, go wash your face," Jungkook instructs, looking at his phone with a hint of concern.

He then offers to take Jimin to lunch, but his worry shows when Jimin says he's not hungry.

"What do you mean you are not hungry? For a stupid date, you plan to go on a hunger strike?" Jungkook's frustration is evident, as he asked.

Jimin looked down embarrassed. His mouth is tightly pressed.

"Jimin," Jungkook called out, his voice filled with anger as he pointed towards the toilet symbol. "Can't you see it? The toilet is right there!"

Jimin paused for a few seconds, before nodding in understanding.

"Go wash your face by yourself," Jungkook said, his tone softening slightly. He then had a sudden idea. "Give me your identity card. I'll help you get a ticket, and Don't go running off anywhere."

The woman standing beside them offered to take Jimin to the toilet. But Jungkook quickly dismissed her offer, saying, "No need."

Jimin took out his identity card from his bag and handed it to Jungkook. He stood up, glancing at the woman who had offered to help.

As Jimin made his way towards the toilet, he couldn't help but notice that both Jungkook and the woman were still standing there, watching him. Their presence together gives off the impression that they are a couple.

Like perfectly made for each other.

He couldn't help but notice the woman in the black dress. She had a great body and was quite tall, probably around a meter and seventy centimeters. He also noticed that she was wearing high heels, but still she was shorter than Jungkook.

Jimin watched as the woman spoke to Jungkook, a smile on her face. She even patted his arm, causing Jimin's heart to sink a little. But he quickly straightened his lips and looked away, ignoring the pang in his chest.

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Where stories live. Discover now