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Double update for my lovely reader
And Happy valentine's day 💌 💘 🍫

As the scorching summer sun beat down outside, Jimin found solace in the coolness of the living room. He stretched out on his flat stomach, propped up on the sofa, engrossed in a hilarious variety show playing on the TV. The laughter from the show filled the room, creating a joyful atmosphere.

In the past three years, Jimin has become even more stunning. His eyes sparkles, his smile lights up the room, and his height has grown thanks to his dedication to drinking milk every day. His slim figure adds to his charm, with a graceful stature that captivates everyone around him.

The living room itself was cozy and inviting, with soft cushions and warm, earthy tones. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, casting a gentle glow on the walls. The air conditioning hummed softly, providing relief from the sweltering heat outside.

Next to Jimin, on the coffee table, there was a bowl of freshly popped popcorn, his favorite snack. The sound of crunching filled the room as Jimin indulged in the salty goodness,

It was just Taehyung and Jimin at home, their parents have gone to another city to join a friend's wedding. Before they left, Mrs. Park gave Taehyung a list of instructions. She asked him to take care of Jimin. Additionally, Mr. Park also gave Taehyung a bit of a warning. So, in the end, Taehyung had no choice but to agree.

The first day with just the two of them went quite smoothly. Taehyung mostly lounged on his bed and played with his phone. Every now and then, Jimin would come into his room to bother him. Taehyung could barely handle it, but he did his best. As for meals, they mostly ordered takeout from different places.

On the second day, Taehyung's friends, asks him to hang out and play games. Taehyung doesn't want to refuse their invitation, so he quickly changes his clothes and leaves his room, excited for a fun time.

The time, as Taehyung makes his way to the living room, he notices Jimin sitting on the couch, engrossed in watching his favorite show. When he hears Taehyung's commotion, Jimin looks over with curiosity, wondering what's going on.

Taehyung, already wearing his shoes, turns to Jimin and says, "I'll go out first. You stay at home and do your homework, alright?"

Jimin, still fixated on the TV, nods absentmindedly.

Taehyung, not wanting to reveal too much, responds evasively, " Call me if you have any problems?"

Jimin, with a mischievous smile, shakes his head and says, "No."

Taehyung, slightly taken aback, looks at Jimin and asks, "Are you trying to control me or something?"

Jimin, now fully focused on the TV, tears open a bag of potato chips and casually replies, "Nah, I just thought, what if a thief comes? I can't fight them off."

Trying to reassure his friend, Taehyung says, "Don't worry, just lock the door, and no one will come in. You'll be safe."

Jimin, still munching on his chips, raises an eyebrow and asks playfully, "But what if I get hungry and have nothing to eat?"

Taehyung, growing increasingly impatient, glances at the bag of potato chips in his hand. "There are plenty of snacks in the cupboard. How can they not be enough for you?"

Jimin continues munching on the chips and replies, "I'm just not in the mood for snacks right now."

Taehyung looks at him, frustration evident on his face. "Then what do you want to eat?"

Jimin shrugs nonchalantly. "I haven't really thought about it."

Annoyed, Taehyung takes off his shoes with a hint of fury. "Tell me what you want to eat, and I'll bring it home for you."

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Where stories live. Discover now