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At night 11:00 p.m.

The time Jungkook returns to the dorm.

He gets a bit annoyed by the noise from Seo Joon and Hyung Sik playing games. He sees Taehyung lying on his bed, not moving, but when he hears the door sound Taehyung lazily raises his head and greets him, "Hi, kook."

jungkook puts his backpack on the table, responds with a confused tone, "yeah?"

"Jimin called me earlier. He accidentally took your things from your place this morning, when he was sitting at your table. I tried to get more details, but he didn't want to tell me. You should call him and ask yourself."

Jungkook opens up his wardrobe to get his clean clothes. "Call him and give it to me when it's connected."

Taehyung was too tired to call his little brother and listen to his nagging, instead he finds Jimin's number in call log Then he passes his phone to Jungkook.

With the phone in his hand, Jungkook goes to the balcony to continue.

The call is answered.

"tae tae?"

Jungkook pauses for a moment then lazily answers the call. "what did you take?"

Jimin hesitates for a moment... a guilty feeling suddenly emerged in his chest as he listened to jungkook tired voice. "Actually,... it's not your thing... it's my thing that I left at your place."
He hesitated to confess.

Confused, Jungkook raises an eyebrow and asks, "What is it?"

Jimin paused for a moment then responded, "It's my homework."

After a second With a low voice, Jimin whispered, "Um, I have a request. When you get the book, please don't open it."

Jungkook's curiosity is piqued, and he asks, "Why don't you want me to open it?"

"please don't open it?" jimin pressure.

Jungkook smirks as he teases Jimin, "Why? Did you write something suspicious in there?"

Jimin quickly denies it, saying, "No! Why would I write something stupid? It's just my homework, and the teacher is really strict."

Jungkook's smirk grew wider as he responded, "Well, should I send taehyung to give it to you."

Panicking, Jimin shouts into the phone, "No, hyung! Please don't let him send it to me. He'll check my book and make fun of me."

Jungkook casually responds with a simple "Hm" before asking, "So, you need my help with it?"

Jimin realizes the situation is becoming troublesome and lamely explains, "You know I'm really good at physics. At first, I was doing fine on my own. But now it's about making a 500-word diary entry, and I can't finish it by tomorrow morning."

Jungkook listens silently, understanding where this is going. His smile becomes even more mischievous as he says, "Then why didn't you ask Taehyung to help you?"

Jimin admits, "He won't help me."

Jungkook teases, "So, you think I'll help you then?"

Both of them fall into a moment of silence, leaving the question hanging in the air.

after a while, jimin feeling down said in a depressed tone, "Just help me do it... that teacher is really scary. I'm too scared to do any homework except for that teacher assignment..."

And then, Jungkook is lost for words , "Okay, tomorrow wake up earlier and go to school to get it done. I'll bring it over in advance for you, alright?"

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Where stories live. Discover now