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Jimin stood nervously in the bathroom, the thump of his heart loud in the silence. His eyes drifted to his jeans, a clear sign of the chaos. As he gazed at his reflection in the mirror, the disarray of his appearance struck him - shirt disheveled, hair tousled, and his lips stained a deep red from the lingering kiss that had turned his world upside down.

Jimin blushed furiously as he stepped back, feeling emotions rushing through him. He couldn't believe how bold he had been, letting Jungkook take the lead. Even in his wildest dreams, he never imagined allowing Jungkook to do what he did. Despite the initial shock, the pleasure he experienced was beyond anything he had ever felt. It left him conflicted, almost tempted to explore those feelings further.

Knock knock

Jimin heard a gentle knock on the bathroom door, followed by Jungkook's voice.

"Jimin, here's a new pair of trousers for you. I hope they fit. I'm hanging them on the door knob." Jimin flashed a grateful smile, touched by Jungkook's gesture. Jungkook added, "Oh, and your jeans, just toss them in the laundry basket. I'll take care of washing them for you." Jimin nodded appreciatively, feeling thankful for his friend's thoughtfulness.

After finishing his shower, Jimin dried off and put on Jungkook's pants. The bathroom was now quiet as he stepped out. Walking into the hall, he spotted Jungkook arranging the dining table, the soft glow of the lights creating a warm ambiance. Jimin approached him slowly, admiring the way Jungkook's focused expression softened into a welcoming smile. Jungkook gestured for Jimin to take a seat, and they both settled down to eat. As they shared the meal, their eyes met discreetly, Jimin couldn't help but notice Jungkook's gaze lingering on him, causing a gentle flush to color his cheeks.

While munching on his food, Jungkook casually asked, "When do your exams start?"

Jimin prodded his food and replied, "In a week."

Feeling remorseful for distracting Jimin earlier, Jungkook expressed, "I'm sorry I kept you from studying."

Jimin, trying not to show his embarrassment, diverted his gaze. Jungkook then cleared his throat and proposed, "To make up for it, let me assist you with studying. It's 8 pm now, and you have an hour before heading back to the dorm. Let's make the most of it."

Jimin's face lit up with gratitude as he nodded in appreciation. After enjoying their meal, they worked together to tidy up the table. Jungkook then graciously offered his help to Jimin, showing his willingness to support him.

Transitioning to the hall, they settled comfortably on the plush sofa, surrounded by Jimin's textbooks and notes scattered across the coffee table. The room was softly illuminated by the warm glow of the lamp, creating a serene and focused ambiance for their study session.

Jimin's yawn echoed through the room, his body stretching in a tired yet satisfied manner after their intense study session. Jungkook, observant as ever, noticed Jimin's struggle against the impending grasp of sleep and gently set his pen down. "Jimin let's end it here?"

Jungkook chuckled softly, his eyes reflecting understanding. Jimin, in silent agreement, began to gather his belongings, exhaustion evident in his gaze. Glancing at the clock, the late hour of 10 pm stared back at him, signaling the end of their study session for the night.

"Let's go, I'll walk you out." Jungkook stood up, his voice filled with warmth.

Jimin also stood up, their hands briefly intertwining. "Don't worry, it's already late. I'll just take a cab," he replied softly.

"Let me drop you. That way, I get to stay with you for a while." Jungkook insists, gently caressing Jimin's cheek before retreating to his room.

Jimin stood there, the room filled with silence, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips, savoring the lingering warmth of Jungkook's touch.

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