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Jimin struggles to push away his thoughts, trying to stick to his usual interactions with Jungkook. Many times, he feels determined to express his feelings but Deep down, he can't bring himself to confess that he has harbored feelings for Jungkook since he was just thirteen years old.
Jungkook seems to sense Jimin's unease and starts seeking him out more often, showing increased interest in him.

In the blink of an eye, May comes to an end.

As Friday night approaches, Jimin and his classmates head out for a dinner. Engaged in conversation with his friends, Jimin exits the university gates and catches sight of Lisa standing beneath a tree.

Jimin is taken aback, uncertainty clouding his expression as he locks eyes with her.

Swiftly diverting his gaze elsewhere, he was caught off guard by Lisa's unexpected presence. Sensing a growing unease, he decides to play it cool.

Continuing his conversation with his jin, Jimin joins the group as they make their way to a nearby barbecue restaurant, the encounter with Lisa lingering in his mind.

In the bustling restaurant, the crowd fills the space with chatter and laughter.

One of Jimin's classmates takes charge of securing a table for the group, and Jimin settles into his seat. As he glances around, he notices a table for two being tidied up, soon to be occupied.

To his surprise, the guest who takes a seat at that table is none other than Lisa.

Once again, their eyes meet, sparking a moment of recognition between them.

Jimin gazes at her, a sense of inevitability washing over him, as he ponders why Lisa is seeking him out in this crowded place.

The mystery of her sudden appearance lingers in his mind, leaving him wondering about the intentions behind her unexpected presence.

Jimin couldn't quite figure it out, but he decided not to dwell on it. He bowed his head, taking a sip of water.

It appeared that Lisa was simply there to enjoy her meal, showing no signs of causing trouble for Jimin. However, her unwavering gaze made him uneasy.

Choosing to shift his focus, Jimin casually asked jin who was sitting across from him to switch seats, subtly distancing himself from Lisa.

After the meal, Jimin excused himself and headed to the restroom to freshen up. Upon his return, he caught sight of Lisa standing outside the men's restroom. Jimin stole a glance but remained silent, choosing to ignore her as he walked past without a word.

"You're Jungkook's new plaything?"
Lisa's voice halted him in his steps.

"That's right, college students are easily misled," Lisa smiled and continued,

"Fortunately, I ran into you here. I just want to remind you. In the past, jungkook has been on countless blind dates?"

Jimin, with an impassive expression, turns around and responded, "What do you mean fortunately? You're the one seeking to meet me."

"I just don't want to see someone like you led astray, alright?" Lisa said flatly. "Did you know that now his dad is in the hospital in a vegetative state?"

Jimin stared at her.

"It seems he never told you about it," Lisa noticed Jimin's reaction and smirked.

"Let me share one more secret, his dad was a reckless driver who caused a fatal accident while intoxicated."

Silence lingered as jimin stared at her.

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