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A/n: Long chapter ahead. Grab your tissues and popcorn 🍿

After the graduation ceremony, Jimin heads home with his parents. Meanwhile, Taehyung and Jungkook decide to extend the celebrations by grabbing a meal with their friends.

As the day progresses, Taehyung and Jungkook end up staying out longer than planned. Taehyung eventually arrives home at night, a bit later than expected, with Jungkook in tow. In an unexpected turn of events, it's Jungkook who ends up ensuring Taehyung safely makes it back home.

In the quiet of the night, Jimin is sound asleep when the noise from Taehyung and Jungkook's arrival stirs him awake. Curiosity piqued, he ventures out of his room and into the living room, where he finds Taehyung seated on the sofa, clearly inebriated. Jimin observes his dad sternly addressing Taehyung while engaging in a conversation with Jungkook.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Jimin's mom is busy preparing a comforting soup to help Taehyung sober up.

Jimin rubs his eyes as everyone's attention turns to him. His Dad frowns and says, "Today, Jungkook will sleep at our house. Go and find him a new set of towel and toothbrush."

Jungkook quickly declines, saying, "No need, I don't want to trouble you guys."

Mr. Park pats his shoulder and reassures him, "What do you mean trouble? Go wash your face and get ready to sleep. You must be tired today."

At the next moment, Jimin comes to his side, offering, "Hyung, follow me, I'll give it to you."

Jungkook doesn't decline anymore; he nods and gratefully says, "Then, thank you for your hospitality."

Jimin takes Jungkook to Taehyung's bedroom and gives him a set of pajamas. Then he mentions, "I don't know where the underwear is, should I ask my Mom?"

Jungkook responds, "Just give me the towel and toothbrush."

"Got it," Jimin leads him to the bathroom and points to a cupboard, saying, "It's there, you can take it yourself."

Jungkook acknowledges with a quiet "hm."

As Jimin exits the bathroom, he suddenly turns back and asks, "Aren't you drunk?"

Jungkook replies, "No."

Jimin looks at him, a bit unsure, and asks, "Really? If you're drunk, I could ask mom for another bowl of soup."

Jungkook chuckles, "I'm not. I don't drink."

Jimin think for a moment before continuing,

"Hyung, there is shampoo, hair conditioner, shower gel, cleansing lotion, and razor. You could use everything," jimin said.

Jungkook chuckle, lift his hand to stroke the stray hair falling on Jimin's forehead.

"Okay, I know. Thank you, Jimin." Jungkook whispered a warm smile played on his lips,

Jimin nodded, cheeks heating up, With a shy smile, he made his way out of the bedroom.

When he entered living room, Taehyung is sitting alone, lost in his thoughts.

Jimin approaches Taehyung, the tension from their last last hangs heavily in the air. With each step, he feels the weight of their unresolved fight pressing down on him. Jimin takes a deep breath, mustering the courage, and decides to break the ice.

He gently pokes Taehyung, "Hey."

Taehyung, looking tired, responds with a lazy, "What?"

"Go grab a fresh pair of undies from your room for Jungkook," Jimin suggests. "He's taking a shower."

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