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During the second semester of his first year, Jimin had a totally packed schedule. He had classes from morning till evening, with no breaks in between. He had no free time at all, except for the precious weekends when he could finally take a breather.

As for Jungkook He was constantly putting in extra hours, working overtime like there was no tomorrow. It seemed like he was always buried in his work, trying to meet deadlines.

But After having a heart-to-heart  conversation with seo joon, it was like a switch flipped in Jungkook. Despite being so busy he would reach out to Jimin more often, texting him regularly, and even calling him sometimes. And to get this, he even surprised Jimin by showing up at his university to meet him after his work!

Jimin couldn't help but notice the change in Jungkook's behavior. He became more considerate and caring, asking about Jimin's day and showing genuine interest in his life. It made Jimin feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like he was a priority to Jungkook. He absolutely loved every single moment of it.

In a flash, March finally came to an end!

So, after all the hustle and bustle, Jimin and Jungkook decided to meet up and grab a meal together.

After finishing his classes, Jimin headed back to the dorm to tidy up a bit. He got ready and about to call Jungkook, when suddenly his phone buzzed with an incoming call.  it was Jungkook!

Jimin quickly answered the call while slipping on his shoes.

"you ready?" Jungkook asked. Then after a pause he speaks again.  "Actually all of a sudden, my group is holding a dinner party," Jungkook explained.

Jimin paused for a moment, trying to figure out what to do. "So, does that mean I don't need to go out?" he asked, a little unsure.

Jungkook replied in a lazy tone, "I'm just asking for your opinion. If you don't feel like eating with them, then I won't go either. We can find another place to eat."

Jimin, being the easygoing guy he is, didn't really mind. "It's okay I don't mind," he replied. "Let's just go ahead with the original plan."

Jungkook seemed relieved. "Great! come out, I'm already outside."

Jimin hung up the phone, took one last look at himself in the mirror to make sure his hair was on point, and headed out. He walked with a spring in his step toward the entrance of the university, excited to meet up with Jungkook.

Jungkook is waiting in the car, and Jimin joins him, greeting him with a friendly " Hi, hyung."

After a month of not seeing each other, Jimin notices that Jungkook's hair has grown longer and he looks a bit tired, as if he hasn't been getting enough sleep.

Jungkook starts driving, and Jimin asks, "Where is the dinner party?"

Jungkook casually replies, "Just at that previous hotpot place."

Jimin nods, not quite sure what to say next. He lowers his head and starts playing with his phone. After a while, Jungkook takes the initiative to start a conversation.

"Recently, are you busy with your classes?" Jungkook asks.

Jimin responds, "Yeah, I have a full schedule from Monday to Friday."

Jungkook advises, "Remember to rest."

Jimin simply says, "Oh."

After a moment of silence, Jungkook casually asks, "Are you still meeting with that Eunwoo guy?"

Jimin feels a bit caught off guard and unsure of how to respond. He asks, "Why are you asking this?"

Jungkook smiles innocently and says, "Just asking."

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