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Jimin actually doesn't know clearly how old Jungkook is. But when he heard him talking about his crush, he thought of Taehyung's age. So Jimin straightened his face and said, displeased, "You're quite old."

Jungkook, who usually doesn't mind about his age, felt hurt when he heard those words. He's not even twenty yet, but being labeled as "old" really got to him. He couldn't find the right words to describe how he felt, so he finally asked, "I am old?"

Jimin nodded and repeated, "You are old."

There was a moment of silence.

"You really think I'm old?" Jungkook stared at Jimin, feeling like things were getting absurd. "Then why don't you just call me Uncle?"

"Oh." Jimin considers for a while and feels it's reasonable. he immediately Changes and speaks up with a bright face.



Jimin's eyes have become small because of his wide smile, and a red hue appears on both of his cheeks. He looks completely innocent, with no hint of impurity. When he speaks seriously, his words come straight from the bottom of his heart.

It's amazing how he can use such an innocent expression to unintentionally hurt someone's heart.

Just as the conversation reaches an awkward point, Mr. Choi interrupts and pours a glass of water for Jungkook. He says with a hint of awkwardness, "I'm sorry. Please wait here for a while. I drank too much water earlier. I need to go to the restroom first."

Jungkook calms himself down and replies, "Okay."

After Mr. Choi leaves, Jungkook looks away and continues arguing with Jimin. "Do you know that if you call me uncle, your hyung should be called uncle too?"

Jimin was left shocked, "what!"

Jungkook asks, "So, would you call me Hyung or Uncle?"

Jimin thinks about it and says, "It's better for me to call you Hyung."

Jungkook relaxes and says, "You're quite protective of your Taehyung, huh?"

"What do you mean protective?" Jimin doesn't understand his words. "Why should I protect him? He always bullies me. Sometimes I really want to call him Uncle."

Jungkook tries to suppress his smile and asks, "Why?"

Jimin responds, "because...

"He looks older than you."

Jungkook is taken aback by this answer and bursts into laughter. He repeats, "Taehyung looks older than me?"

Jimin confirms, "Yes."

Jungkook feels pleased and coughs lightly, pretending to be modest.
"Little one, how could you see that he is older than me?" He continues, "I think we are the same age."

Jimin examines his face and says, "There's a bit of a difference."

In the next second, a woman knocks on the door and opens it. She looks around and asks bashfully, "excuse me, is Hoseok's homeroom teacher here?"

Teacher Zhang stands up quickly and excitedly exclaims, "Right! You're Hoseok's sister?"

The woman smiles warmly and steps inside, saying, "That's right."

Hoseok can't help but complain, "Sis, why are you here?"

Jimin looks over, intrigued by the sudden arrival.

The woman, wearing a beautiful floral dress with a touch of makeup, explains to Hoseok, "I rushed here right after my class ended. It's quite a distance."

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