Chapter 50

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"This is a bad idea." Zayn commented as we walked the streets of New Orleans looking for Harry. Apparently there multiple entrances to Hell all over the world. From China to Iceland to the Middle East to right up Bourbon Street in New Orleans. They were everywhere. But it was here in New Orleans that Harry was first abducted by Michael and dragged down to Hell. Now we are just hoping this is where he will try and revisit.

The great six Councilmen couldn't abandon their precious posts so they sent Abraham and Daxton along with three other warriors. But they weren't just warriors. They were Praesul. One of them was a woman, I noted. She reminded me of an Amazonian. She was extremely tall. While I stood at 5'8, she seemed to be at least 5'10 towering over me. She has light caramel complexion with long curtain of black hair that was braided intricately. Tribal tattoos went up her arms to her arms to her neck then down her back to her thighs and calves. Her fierce dark brown eyes held years of wisdom that it almost hurt to look her in the eye for too long. When she greeted me, she said, "They call me Andromeda." This made me raise a brow. Her name literally means 'ruler of men'. So she really intimidated me. While I may seem badass, I think I have finally found someone who towers over me. She is the badass of the badass. And I am a little frightened. The other men who came along with us were Andreas and Kaden.

Andreas was seemed friendly enough. His chocolate brown eyes held warmth and though they weren't as intense as Andromeda, his eyes still held wisdom. He had short black hair that was cropped in a buzz cut. Tribal tattoos similar to Andromeda's cover his sun-kissed skin. His buff stature showed that he worked out hard but he wasn't exactly a bodybuilder. A little more lean but no where near the intimidating build of Zadkiel.

Kaden wasn't as friendly as Andreas but he seemed like he could be. He was just in warrior mode at the moment we met. Unlike his fellow Praesul, Andreas, Kaden's dirty blonde hair was just passed his shoulders. He held his hair away from his face with a leather band at the nape of his neck. His crystalline blue eyes shined in the moonlight. His 6'3 body was built with muscles on top of muscles. And while this is normally unattractive to me, Kaden seems to pull it off. But again, his buff features don't hold a candle light to Zadkiel imposing form. Probably because he was a Guardian Angel.

The three together seemed like a force to be reckoned with. My boys and I stood in the middle while Andreas and Kaden stood at the sides of the group. Andromeda lead us in the front looking left and right cautiously. Daxton and Abraham took the back. I sent Zayn a sour look that said 'shut the fuck up' before facing forward and spreading my consciousness outward. I needed to do something to feel helpful. Besides, I feel like the president with the way they are escorting me. I'm a warrior too. And I wont be one to just stand by anyway. And when we find Harry, I want to be the one to kick his ass first. No one else.

What really stuck me as odd was how eerily silent it was. This street was famous for it's pubs and loud music. So the silence made the hairs on my neck stand up. My back straightened when I felt it. That presence of absolute damnation. And it could only be one thing. "Daemon..." I whispered. Andromeda halted and cast a wary look around us. We halted behind her waiting for a signal. Her body tensed up. She unsheathed two of her knifes and threw them to the side. There was a thud and suddenly multiple presences showed up on my radar.

"Daemons!" Andromeda yelled just as they jumped out the shadows to attack. The evil reeked through the air as everyone fought them. Liam, Zayn, and Louis shifted and charged into battle. Niall's eyes bled from their normal baby blues to a lethal silver as he tore through the Daemons. Abraham and Daxton pull out their swords. Daxton passes one of his katanas. I immediately get to work on the creatures closing in on me. As the battle wore on, I noticed Andromeda in the fray. My eyes and jaw were wide in awe. She really is the ruler of men. Those poor Daemons don't stand a chance. The only evidence that she was there was the river of blood left in her wake. Andreas and Kaden were no better. The three worked as a team as they demolished their enemies. It's beautiful-almost a sick sadistic way.

A whimper caught my attention as I saw Liam's brilliant wolf being cornered by a group of them. Without a thought, I headed towards him hurriedly. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get through to him. The Daemons kept coming and I knew then that if we didn't all find eachother , we were dead. But in the bloodshed, I saw nothing but Daemons. They pressed against my advance forcing me into a corner. I fought and killed but for every Daemon I cut down, one quickly replaced it. Where the hell are they all coming from? Fuck! One managed to slash across my face. I held my face in pain and screamed. From then my resolved weakened and my blocks became sloppier by the second. This is it. I'm going to die and be eaten by daemons. I love you, Damian.

Just as I was about to give up, black lightening split the sky and the Daemons dropped to the ground screeching in agony. I looked around to see everyone alive. Liam was being supported by Zayn. Louis was near Niall. The Praesul were more down the street. And Daxton and Abraham was in the opposite direction. I moved out of my corner holding my face as I looked around in confusion. I looked higher and I saw him. He looked like the Fallen Angel he was believed to be. His obsidian wings spread out around him as the wind ruffled his chocolate curls. His emerald gaze swept over us. I smirked. "Harry!"

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