Chapter 53

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When silence met his question, Michael knew he had his answer. He nodded and shrugged. "Suit yourselves." He corked the wine and sipped his red wine walking to the fireplace.

I cleared my throat. "Um. Michael. If you don't mind, I have a few questions for you."

Michael turned on the sole of his foot with a friendly smile. "Of course, child. Ask away. Have a seat."

I sent a look around to my friends before turning my attention back to Satan. I took a seat on a loveseat and Michael sat across from me with his legs crossed. By Gawd, does the man ooze grace and class with every movement he makes. It's scary. I smiled at him politely."I'm sure you have heard of me and my current situation."

Michael nodded. "Oh yes. Never have I heard of a tale quite as remarkable as yours. It certainly piqued my interest."

"Well, then I'm sure you know my...Aunt."

"Batshit crazy witchy aristocrat vampire? Oh yes. Yes I have. Maleficent and I have... crossed paths."

"Well, Maleficent has made a game out of my life and she wants to torture me by endangering the ones that I love. All because Constantine, my father, loved my mother instead of her."

"Reminds me of Shakespeare play I once attended. What was it?"

"Romeo and Juliet?" Niall offered. I sent a raised brow his way. He shrugged indifferently.

"Ah yes. Romeo and Juliet. Star crossed lovers, they were. Constantine was a stubborn man and always went after what he wanted. Unfortunately, his tastes seemed to change the way women change underwear. He broke a lot of hearts. I'm not surprised one of his prey turned predator on him. However, it's unfortunate for you to have to suffer for Constantine's own decisions." Michael watched his wine as it spun in a circular motion.

"So you haven't joined forces with Maleficent?" I asked.

"Heavens no. I may be the Devil, but even I have standards of class that I associate myself with." Michael recoiled into his chair with his nose scrunched up in distaste.

Harry snorted. I look over my shoulder to give him a warning glare before turning back to Michael. "If that is true, would you consider joining forces with me?"

"Persephone!" Andromeda exclaimed.

I sent a look her way before turning back to the Devil. "I need to know if you would help me."

Michael got a wicked glint in his eye. "And what would I get in return of helping you?"

Harry bristled from the corner of my eye. "Sephy, you have done reckless things in the past. But even you know never to make a deal with the Devil."

Michael glanced up to his son and raised a brow. "Persephone is a grown woman. She can make her own decisions. Besides, she is so pure. Who am I to taint her now?" Michael fixed his gaze back to me. "Fortunately for you, I owe your mother a favor. And she made me swore that I would do whatever it is you asked of me. And if you want me to aid you in your fight for your freedom, then so be it." He casually sipped his wine.

"Without any kind of compensation?" I asked suspiciously.

Michael shook his head. "There is nothing that you can possibly give me. I'm Satan after all. What I want, I will go after. And it is a debt that I wish to fulfill. Handsomely, might I add. When you ride into your battle, you will have my aid until Maleficent's soul is burning in Hell. That you can be certain of."

I nodded. "Thank you, Michael. I appreciate your...cooperation."

"Oh don't flatter yourself, young lady. I'm bored out of my mind. I've been itching to find something to kill. I plan to thoroughly enjoy collecting the souls of the malevolent beings she has brought against you."

I gave him a questioning look. "Malevolent souls? What do you mean?"

Michael sighed. "Maleficent has brought up an army against you. She seeks to not only destroy you but all that exists. She seeks to destroy the Council and-"

"And that is why you want to help."

I looked at Harry who moved to sit beside me. He leaned forward with wicked smile. "I knew you wouldn't help unless you would gain something. Fuck the debt you owe to Sephy's mum. You only want Maleficent dead because she threatens your power and wishes to rise above you and tarnish your reputation."

Michael looked at his son for a moment with narrowed eyes before sighing. "Okay, okay. You caught me. Maleficent is trying overthrow me. And that is something I can not allow. You think I am evil. You think I am the absolute scum of the earth. However, I know my limits. I know the balance between Good and Evil must be kept. I was once a Guardian Angel. She knows not of the balance. She will destroy this world if she succeeds. I have worked my ass off to be where I am now. From a snake crawling on his belly to the man I am today. I refuse to let that wench take my empire from me. So either way, you have my vote and my army. Maleficent will die and burn in the depths of my Hellish flames if I have any say in the matter!" The fire places erupted into black flames and a distant roar sounded outside.

My heart rate jumped up in weariness and I sent a cautious look to Michael. I gripped the side of the love seat ready to spring at any moment. And go where? I have no clue, but I was ready to leave this room in the dust and drill my way back up to the surface. Michael took a deep calming breath. "I must apologized. I got carried away for a moment. Please excuse my behavior, young ones. No need to be alarmed. Just thinking of what she plans to do angers me almost to the point of no return."

Harry smirked darkly. "Well let us change the subject. We would hate for you to bake us to death."

Michael gave him a dry look.

Sensing that he had diffused the situation, Harry stood. "It seems now would be a good time as any to part ways. We must tell the Councilmen of your allegiance."

Michael nodded. "Yes, yes. Go if you must. I believe I will be seeing you all in the battlefield. Just remember that you will need all the help you can get."

Everyone gave a sharp nod before heading towards the door. I offered a small smile before standing. "It was nice meeting you, Michael."

"Like wise, Persephone. Oh! I almost forgot. This is for you." Michael reached inside his jacket and handed me a letter. One that looked exactly the same as the one I received earlier. I nearly gasped in horror knowing I wouldn't like what I read. Dread filled my being as I took the letter from Michael's hand.

"Persephone what is it?" Zayn questioned.

Wordlessly, I lifted the letter in grasp for them to see.

Harry's expression grew grim. "It's from her."

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