Chapter 64

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The chains fell off me effortlessly as I ripped myself away and clawed Maleficent by the back of her hair before tossing her over my shoulder into the wall. The sound of her body colliding with the concrete wall reverberated throughout the basement and I am sure it was heard in the surrounding area. Rai looked at me with a dropped jaw before she narrowed her eyes in anger. "You worthless bitch! Don't you know when to give up?!" She charged toward me with her whip ready.

My eye twitched in annoyance as I evaded her and stuck my leg out to trip her. 'She is not the one we want.' I advised my hybrid. My beast huffed before turning back to head toward Maleficent only to feel the slash of Rai's whip across my back. "Obviously not. Maybe after I send you to Hell, you should ask your brother how I taught him before I finally put him down like the dog he is."

My body halted and I let out a threatening growl. 'On second thought, end that traitorous wench.' More than satisfied with the idea, my hybrid turned around to face her. Her body slightly trembled and she hurriedly attempted to whip me again only for me to catch the other end. Rai's eye widened in alarm and before she could pull away, I yanked her toward me while I headed for her with my talons ready and waiting. My hand sunk deep into her chest when her body smacked into me. The once deadly silver whip fell from her hand to the floor at my feet. I stared deep into her soul making sure she saw the look in my eyes. I want my face to be the last thing she sees. Just like her face was the last thing my brother saw. I curled my lip back in a sneer. "You ignorant traitorous bitch. Don't you know when to die?" With those final words, I grasped her heart and yanked away from her taking her heart with me. Her lifeless form collapsed to the floor.

"Sephy?" A weak voice called out to me. My heart nearly stopped at the sound of his hypnotizing voice. The control of my hybrid's rage cooled enough for me to take control. I turned to look at Damian and hurried over to him. I deftly snapped his chain and he leaned heavily onto me embracing my form tightly. "You're here." He whispered before kissing my forehead. I smiled softly up at him before a voice interrupted.

"You know, I get that you are mates and you have been separated for a long time. But would it kill you to remember that he wasn't the only one stung up." Andre laughed half heartedly with a hoarse voice.

I winced and quickly headed over to her cutting her chain. I smiled apologetically. "Sorry." Then my eyes gravitated toward Andy. Tears came to my ears and it nearly physically hurt me to see him in such a state. "Andy..."I whispered. I reached up to cut his chains but quickly pulled my hands back hissing. "Fuck. These chains are holy." I muttered.

"What does that mean?" Andre asked with a confused look in your face.

"It means that if it burns and saps my energy then imagine what its doing to him."

"Who is he anyway?" Damian sized up my brother with a possessive gleam in his eye. Obviously, he didn't like how I was fretting over him.

I rolled my eyes. Men are dogs."He's my brother."

'So you can lose the puffed out chest and murderous glare. That green monster of yours is showing.'

My mate blushed and looked away while chewing on his bottom lip. Andre looked between us with a raised brow before looking back at Andy. "Your father's son. I vaguely remember you mentioning him."

"Yeah and speaking of, where the hell is that bastard? I can't believe he let this happen to Andy." I reach up and grasp the chains. Ignoring the sounds of my sizzling skin, I pulled with all my might.

"Sephy, don't." Damian's warm palm grabbed my shoulder.

I shook him off. "No. I can't lose another brother."

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