Chapter 60

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My routine for the past few weeks has been the same. Get up and eat breakfast. Train. Eat lunch. Train until I drop then suffer through an uncomfortable dinner where we discuss our war strategies and go to bed. I would like to say that after my head hits the pillow I immediately feel relieved and I fall soundly asleep. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Ever since I have found out about Andre and the little episode or lapse in my sanity where I saw Damian in the mirror, I've been plagued by horrifying images of the torture of my pack. Whenever I close my eyes, I was bombarded by visions of death and the destruction of what could happen if I don't kill Maleficent. I must say though. I don't think I am ready for this. All this training and hard work is paying off but for some reason I can't control my powers. The 'Blessed Initia' Gabriel called them I think. The carrier of God's wrath to save and protect the souls of humanity until Judgement. Dooms Day or D Day is what I nicknamed it. I don't think the Arch Angels appreciated that. Even Michael wasn't humored. Yikes. A blessing....more like a curse. And this beast inside me. I could feel it growing restless by the hour. It wouldn't be long before it makes it's full appearance. And I have to admit that the thought of this frightens me. I bit into my sandwich and chewed slowly.

"Be careful, blonde. You might hurt yourself thinking so hard."

My head snapped up to focus on Uriel's muscled frame with a raised brow. I swallowed before opening my mouth to speak. "Fuck off. Don't you have anything better to do? I mean don't you have duties? Or are you as useless as you look?"

"Ouch, kitty. Someone must have stepped on your tail."

I sighed leaning back on the stone wall behind me shading my eyes from the brutal sun with my arm."Didn't you hear me? Buzz off. I'm not in the mood. I'm tired. I'm sore and I'm thoroughly exhausted-mentally and physically. Do me a favor for once and leave me be."

He held his hands up in surrender. "I didn't come to wage war with you. I wish to make amends. Or rather call a 'truce'."

I snorted. "A truce, huh? Do you even know the meaning of the word?"

"An agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time."

I gave him a droll look. He shrugged before taking a seat next to me. "You asked."

I rolled my eyes to the sky above and sighed deeply. "Get to the point."

"Look. I am here to tell you that I understand now.I know you aren't spoiled. And I know that you're here for a purpose that you are willing to fulfill. I've been observing you and I couldn't help but notice your dedication.So I wish to apologize for my immediate judgement that I bestowed upon you."

I looked over at him in shock and searched his eyes for any sign of deception only to find pure honesty. I offered him a small smile. "It's alright. Your hostility is understandable. I mean my first impression wasn't exactly something I am proud of."

He chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. "Well I can say that you definitely left a lasting impression in all of us. And we all are very honored to go into war with you."

I blushed lightly. "I dunno about all that. I can't even control my supposed gifts from the man upstairs himself."

"About that. We think we can help about that." Uriel stood up and dusted off his knees. "Follow me. The rest of your training will be inside."

Confused, I finished my lunch and followed him out of the training arena.

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