Chapter 17

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Instead of going straight home I decided to wander a bit to let off some steam. I don't want to go home and end up burning the place down because I was pissed off. That was the last thing I need. That anyone needs. I turned off my bike and laid it on the pine needles next to a tree. Using my powers, I had a some tree roots to cover it gently. Some of my bike was still showing so I threw pine needles on it until I was sure you couldn't see my baby. Satisfied that no one would steal my bike, I headed off mindlessly in the woods and found myself back in that damn clearing. There must be a reason why.

I sighed. and I sat down on the carpet like grass before lying back. I just looked up and stared up into the sky. I held up my right hand. The hand that I would have used to kill Jaxon. "Why did you stop me mother? He deserved his fate. He is nothing but the spawn of satan. Spawn of Alexander. H-he called you out of your name! Jaxon is nothing but a pawn to Alexander. And he is the ungrateful son that I protected for you! I did what you asked! But evil runs through his veins like his life blood. And it can not be ignored. The blood of Alexander. He is just another Alexander. He deserves no mercy. Why? Why does he deserve to have such ignorance? He knows nothing and has the nerve to belittle your sacrifice. All he knows is lies. And he won't listen to me, Mom. I know he won't."

Of course, no one was there to answer but the wind. But I knew that my mother heard my plea. She was just too stubborn. Tears slowly creeped up to only overflow. "I love him, Mom. I don't know why. This is all my fault. I should have never allowed Alexander to separate us and now look at what has happened. He has him brain-washed and tainted with evil. What am I going to do? He is past saving. What can I do?"

My chest heaved and my heart heavied as I took in a deep breath.

You let him know that you love him. You can't let something as little as the past to separate the two of you. You are his older sister-his family- and no matter what he says, he respects that. Only you can guide him. He will stumble his way back up and will follow you to hell and back. You will pave his way out of the darkness. But he will only listen when you believe the words yourself.

My eyesight blurred at the sound of my Mom's wise words. She was here all along. I'm not alone. I never was. And now I never will be. I eventually got up and headed back the way I came. I was able to locate my bike and undid my elaborate disguise of my bike out of the cache. I revved my bike and started back to the pack house. By the time the time I got back, the sun was barely kissing the horizon. There was just enough light for me to be able see where I was. Did I stay out that long? My bad. I hope they didn't file a missing person's report. I hate cops.

I got off my bike and shuddered when the cold night air breezed against my legs. I gasped when a scent barely there but enough to make me know who it is. Impossible! My eyes widened when I realized something. I've been out way too late. It's already getting dark. Maria is going to have a conniption. Oh, thats just great. I just got out of a bad life and waltzed right into a good one only to die. I sighed. She can be understanding right. I just got out of a fight with my blood brother...

I just realized something. Jaxon and Dimitri wouldn't come here alone. They wouldn't come here unless they had permission. And knowing Alexander he wouldn't let Jaxon go anywhere without him. Just to make sure he had an heir. That means... My eyes widened into saucers with this. I ran forward to the pack house and up the steps. I reached for the handle right when it opened. I had a grip on the handle so the force of the pull surged me forward.

I landed into Alpha Alexander. Behind him I could see Maria and Marques looking very worried. Well mainly Maria looked worried. Marques looked pissed as fuck. I gave them a look over. They didn't have any scars or wounds. I saw a sudden movement and jumped back 15 feet.

Alexander gave a savage growl. Right. Behind. Me. I spun and was about to jump back when he grabbed my throat. My throat ached and burned as I gasped for a breath of fresh air. While I was gasping for air, I heard a collective gasp behind me. Everyone was watching. I raised my hands and gripped his arm. I closed my eyes and found the inner strength.I projected it and next thing I know I am being thrown into the wall of the house. I feel the wind being knocked out of me. I fell out after leaning forward.


I vaguely could hear my name being called. Alexander chuckled darkly. My vision blurred but I could tell they were fighting to get to me. But it looks as if Alexander wasn't alone. Alexander also wasn't through with me yet. I could feel his strong, intimidating presence sauntering toward. I looked up at him in defiance. He was smirking as if I submitted to him. My eyes flared in anger and I growled hoarsely. His face change drastically when I did that. Instead of a smirking victor, it switch it to a growling determined alpha. And this particular alpha is determined to break me. "Sephy, huh? Interesting nickname you have. You think just because you got away once, that you are all big and bad. I allowed you to get away once. I won't make the same mistake."

Alexander reached down and yanked me up by my hair. He held me against the wall just like that. My feet were dangling just like mum's were when he did this to her. Not only that he can keep it up all day. He held my mum by her hair against the wall for hours. Especially when he would rape her. He loved this position the most. I felt more anger surge into me. He yanked harder to try and get me to whimper and when I didn't that angered him more. He wanted some tell tale sign that it hurt. I won't tell him but it burn like hell though. I scratched and kicked at him fruitlessly. He just took his other hand and slapped me so hard the other side of my head slammed into the other side of the wall. I cried out in pain as black dots swarmed my vision. My fear was telling me to give in. It was telling me that he was going to kill me. That I needed to beg for forgiveness and hope for a quick death.

But I didn't do that. I bit the inside of my cheek and turned my head and just looked up and stared into his eyes. I said nothing because I know he could read everything he needed to know in my eyes. I was seeing red but not only that I saw all the darkness in the world in this one person. I'll admit it was quite far fetched but I didn't care at that moment. All I saw was red. And I didn't see enough of it though. I wanted to see the red of his blood. With my nails extended, I calmly reached up and buried on hand into his side and the other into his shoulder. I was aiming for his jugular but he moved so I only got the shoulder. My nails along with my fingertips buried 5 inches deep. I got a good grip, smiled at him encouragingly before ripping both my hands out with most of the meat of his forearm and shoulder.

Alexander howled in pain as his blood seeped from his wounds. For such a foul soul ,it's such a beautiful brilliant red! A red I wanted to see more of. He instantly dropped me and held his bleeding arm to his chest. A bleeding arm I refuse to let heal so easily. He held my mother in the same position he just held me. I will make sure he never gets the option to do that again. I got up and strode toward him like we were predator and prey. My nails still extended and Alexander was backing away at every step I took. I laughed. "Aww, is the big bad wolf scared of little old me?"

He growled at me but I didn't even flinch. I held my ground but kept walking forward. Even though it hurt to. I checked my inner organs to find two broken ribs were close to puncturing my right and left lung. I mentally cursed and warned myself to be careful. All it takes is another one of his pushes or slams and I won't be able to breath.

I stopped right in front of him and bend over in his face. I looked him straight into the eyes, I didn't notice his fist coming aiming at my torso. It hit hard but again I didn't flinch even though I could feel the rib punctured my lungs. In response to his attack, I stomped on his nuts. Then I turned from him only to roundhouse kick his face. He was out like a light then. I looked up at a cough to see a crowd gathered.

I growled in annoyance. I looked around for my friends. I found them rushing toward me. I was calm now. I no longer see red and the pain in my chest was seeping into me. I doubled over and started coughing up blood.


I looked up and saw Damian rushing toward me. My world started to tip. I could feel myself fall. It felt like a long one. Like I was in slow motion. Our eyes locked and instead of falling on the hard ground I fell into his embrace. We kept eye contact and I felt my eyes slowly close. I could faintly hear him barking orders but that didn't matter to me. All I wanted to do was sleep.

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