Chapter 51

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I heard a collective gasp among our group as they all turned their attention to the allusive man on the roof. I chuckled at their reaction. Harry stood up straight before jumping and fluttering his wings to soften his landing on the street. I grinned wider as I watched in amazement as his wings drew into him and disappeared. He rolled his shoulders a couple of times as he stood to his full height looking at us with slight annoyance. Unable to hold back, I jump over the dead daemons and tackle him in a hug.

"Whoa-" Harry exclaimed as he instinctively caught me.

Tears rushed to the surface as I hugged my lost friend. "I knew it. I knew you wouldn't abandon us."

Harry gasped and tightened his hold on my body. "Of course not." His eyes traveled behind me as he took in the frozen four. "Are you going to just stand there or am I going to get a proper welcome back?"

Not needing anymore incentive, Louis and Niall immediately jumped into his arms. I hurried to move to the side giggling at their childishness. Louis sobbed into Harry's shirt. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Harry pulled back to look upon his emotional friends. "What for?"

Niall sniffled looking down at his feet in shame. "We didn't believe in you. Not like Sephy did. We thought..."

"Thought what?" Harry asked genuinely curious.

"We thought you deserted us."

Harry looked up to meet Liam's gaze. Noticing his sudden attention he looked away. "We thought...that you had left us." He bit his lip before looking back at Harry. "I'm sorry."

Zayn nodded. "Yeah. I'm sorry we ever doubted you. We should've known you would never do something like that. But we didn't. Sephy did. And we have known you longer than she did. I'm ashamed of myself. We all are."

Harry shrugged. "Honestly, I'm not surprised. You've been dragged into more than you bargained for. I'm sorry. I should have known better than to trust the Councilmen. They always find a way to get what they want out of the deal. And for me to suddenly bail when things got tricky, I can see where you have your doubts. But just know this now. I would never leave any of you like that. You're all my family. I love you guys."

Liam whimpered and joined the group hug. Zayn soon followed. A traitorous tear rolled down my cheek as I watched the male bonding session. I wiped the tear away before wincing. "Fuck..." I cursed.

Zayn turned to look back at me. "Hey, you okay?"

I nodded and waved off his concern. "Yeah. I'm perfectly fin- Aaarrrggghhh!" I screamed as I fell to the ground holding my face.

"Sephy!" I heard my name being called. I moan in agony as fire seeped into my skin. My boys crowded around me. "Sephy! Are you okay?" Louis asked.

Liam reached over to smack him on the head. "Of course she's not okay, dumbass."

Zayn sent them a look before turning his attention back to me. "What's wrong? Say something?"

"Move out the way. You're crowding her!" The boys moved out of my line of vision and I was soon greeted by Andromeda's intense gaze. She forcefully moved my hand out of my face and hissed. "Oh gawd..."

"What? What is it?" Niall asked.

"She caught a daemon claw to her face." Andromeda answered.

Harry gasped. "Oh my gawd."

"What? What does that mean?" Zayn demanded to know.

" Daemon claws are laced with lethal poison. You die if it's directly into your system and on the skin it's like acid. It burns through flesh to get to your system. Persephone's body is probably trying to resist it. It's a miracle she isn't dead yet." Andromeda told them as she examined my wound.

"It burns! It burns! Help me. Please!" I screamed as I thrashed on the ground.

"Someone hold her down!" Andromeda called out.

Suddenly my arms and legs were pinned and I cried out in agony. Andromeda looked over her shoulder. "You're a Fallen, right? Heal her."

Harry looked down upon my form in pity. He shook his head. "I can't. These aren't daemons of my domain. They're my father's creations. Only he could heal her. Fuck. We need to take her to him."

My body was lifted up and unable to take the agony any longer, my world faded into black.

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