Chapter 58

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I stabbed my fork harshly into my T-bone steak channeling my frustration into the way I sliced into the meat with my steak knife. Hiding things from me again, huh? Well, I'm not going to fall for it anymore.


I looked up with a raised eyebrow at the men sitting before me with worried or guilty expressions on their faces. We were all seated at a large dining table in a private room. Gabriel was at the head of the table while next to him sat Raphael and Zadkiel. Across from them seated Uriel and Jophiel with Michael next to him. On the opposite end of the table, I sat at the head. To my right Zayn, Louis and Harry were looking at me with worried expressions. Across from them sat Niall and Liam who both seemed equally confused about the situation.

Uriel smirked at me. "The cow is already dead honey. You don't have to try to kill it even more."

My eye twitched in annoyance and I bared my teeth at the men before resuming my earlier activities. "Well, I wouldn't have to do that if people would stop hiding shit from me." I harshly bit off my piece of stake off of my fork before chomping obnoxiously.

"Language." Gabriel reminded me. "We are seated at the dinner table. I would appreciate it if you watch your tongue, young one."

I sent Gabriel a droll look."Then keep your guard dog on a leash." I gestured towards Uriel with my fork. Uriel opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by Harry.

"What do you mean hiding stuff from you?"

I cut my eyes at him. "Oh, like you don't know."

Harry glanced to the guilt ridden expressions of his friends before shaking his head. "They told you."

I shook my head. "They didn't have to. I know my boys. I know you guys. Whatever you all are hiding from me, you need to come clean right fucking now."

"Didn't Gabriel just ask you to watch your mouth?!" Uriel asked with a reprimanding tone.

I stabbed my fork in my remaining steak before looking up at the man. "Well, I apologize Arch Angels and Satan. I'm just really tired of this! I thought we were passed this petty adolescent bullshit where you guys go around hiding shit from me and expect me not to notice. I'm not as stupid as you think I am!"

"But you aren't as nearly as smart as you think you are!" Uriel spat out. "Look here, little girl. I'm growing weary of your attitude and ungratefulness. There are thousands of soldiers beyond those doors who would kill for this opportunity and you sit here demanding for more like a spoiled greedy newborn."

As I slowly rose from my seat my anger rose with it. "You guys came to me. Not the other way around. Remember that."

Uriel stood to match my stance. "Well, if you don't wanna be here then fine. Leave. Stop wasting our time and your own when we could be using it from keeping the world from eternal damnation."

My boys growled in response and Louis slowly rose from his seat. "Shut the fuck up, you bastard!" The rest of my boys soon followed expect Harry. He was glaring at his father across from him.

Harry grabbed Louis sleeve and pulled him back down into his seat. "Calm down, guys. You too." He gestured for me to sit down. "Finish your food before it gets cold."

Taking in a deep breath, I obediently sat back down and picked up my utensils to finish my meal as calmly as I could with tense hands. "You never answered me. What are you all hiding from me?" I look up at the immortals before locking eyes with Gabriel. "I deserve to know."

Gabriel held my gaze before closing his eyes and deeply sighing. "You do. Persephone. As I am sure you know of the speculation of their being a traitor among the ranks of your pack sent there by Maleficent."

I nodded. "Yes but it was only speculation. I mean, they never told me who they just said there was." I looked back at my boys. "Did you guys find out who it is?"

My boys looked away unable to hold my gaze so I turned my attention back to the head Arch Angel. Gabriel solemnly nodded. "I'm sorry, Persephone. After extensive thought process, we figured out who the traitor is. It's Andre."

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