Chapter 33

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  • Dedicated to Zain Malik

I stared at the note on the table. My mate avoided touching it as if it were the plague. He was glaring at it as if it would burst into flames. I slowly stood and reread it again.

I shut my eyes as I took the paper and threw it into the fire place. I marched upstairs and pack up my necessities. I felt Damian follow me upstairs and watch me from the doorway. I ignored him and didn't look up knowing if I did I would not be able to do what he needed me too. I would be able to do what was necessary of a mate. As I moved on to packing weapons,my thoughts mulled over the note.

Hello again! I see you have gotten my present. Well, yeah. You might have been able to keep me away from your mate,but you were too distracted. Now this is only a taste. THe beginning. You thought you could win. Dream on. Now on to your frozen pack mates. The letter was addressed to you. But being the nosy mutts they are they went snooping into your business. Not my fault. Yours. Now they are going to die.


My mind continued their thorough search through my mental copy of the note. With my physical body on autopilot and my psychological/mental state of my mind busy, I was unresponsive to Damian.

And it will be all you fault. Just like how it was your fault your tramp of a mother died. It was your fault everyone in the pack is traumatized. Right about now you probably want my heart on a silver platter. Well too bad. 1.I don't have a heart (I'm a crazy wiccan vampire...DUH!) 2.You weren't even able to save you mom. What makes you think you can kill me? 3. I would totally kill you first.

"Sephy. What is going on? Baby. Say something. What are you doing? Why are you packing?"

Now there is a way to save them. Leave them. When you are about 100 kilometers away from the pack house they will be free from the spell. But if you are in contact with them for more than 48 hours they are frozen forever. Ir-re-versable.

I focused on Damian waving his hand infront of my face. I just gazed up at him. My eyes creating a mental picture of him. Dark brown wavy locks framing his handsome face. His sexy stubble that came across his chin. The concern his beautiful chocolate eyes. Damian cupped my cheek and gently rubbed my cheek with his thumb."Why are you packing? Sephy, please. Talk to me. I'm your mate. You are scaring me, babe."

I searched his eyes and before he could utter another word. I reached up and smashed my lips to his. Damian immediately responded. He asked for entrance and I granted it. His tongue searched the deep recesses of my mouth before meeting my own tongue in a sensual dance. Passion and love swirled around us and for a second. Just a second, I forgot about the world. I forgot I was the reason my mate will die. I forgot why I had packed more weapons than the Mafia would or the army. I forgot about the note. But after that blissful second, everything came back and bitch slapped me in the face. An excerpt from the note flashed before my eyes.

As for your mate, he will freeze after 48 hours in you presence. But after that he will be frozen forever. And in his comatose state,his wolf will die an agonizingly slow,painful death. Oh how delightful!

My muscles tensed when I mulled over that. No more procrastinating. Leave now. For them. For him. Save them.

A tear slid down my face as I wrapped my arms around his neck. With a move as fast as lightning, I wrapped my hands around his head and snapped his neck. His body tensed before collapsing. My eyes followed him down before I felt that wall that kept me sane through this all start to crumble. I wiped away that tear before gathering all my stuff. Then I turned my back away from Damian's crumpled body on the hardwood and jumped off my balcony.

As soon as the soles of my feet hit the ground below I took off in a sprint, desperate to leave them all safe and sound. All I left was a note addressed to them. For the first time in my life, I was happy and I have to leave again. I don't know how long I have been running. But the sky had become orange and red. Then all of a sudden I tripped on a branch and face planted onto the forest floor. I rolled over and looked up at the moon.

And I laughed. I laughed at how ironic this was. How unfair my life has been. How unreal this has been. How I went from a deformed soul to a burning flame beautiful and graceful. And right when my life was righting itself, life fucked me over. But my mom had always warned me. She always said when things are too good to be true, look around and watch you back. Things aren't as they seem. But I didn't heed her warning. And now this has come and bitten a huge chunk out of my ass. Soon my laughter quickly took a haunting turn. And instead of laughter escaping my lips, sobs broke through. My wall has crumbled. I was broken. I could no longer put myself back together. Not anymore. This damage was irreversible.

Warm arms enveloped me suddenly and brought me into a warm embrace. I looked up and noticed warm brown eyes burning holes into mine. Zayn. I took a look around and noticed that the rest of them were here too. Harry was leaning against the tree bark. Louis was on a tree branch above him, swinging his legs slightly.

Niall was sitting on the forest floor near my feet, rubbing my leg to comfort me. Liam was standing next to Zayn. Zayn sat with his arms around me. All of their eyes trained on my mental, psychological,and emotional breakdown experiencing body. And as I sat in his lap, It made me think of how Jealous Damian would be. This thought only made me cry harder. Zayn rubbed my back soothingly.


I looked up at my name only to see Niall gazing at me with something akin to sorrow,woe and empathy. He bit his lip as he took in my appearance. He continued to rub my leg affectionately."Let it out. It's okay, Persephone. You can let it out. You don't have to be strong. You aren't alone anymore."

As if that was all it took. I was all ready balancing on the edge of a cliff. Almost about to fall and that last push was all I needed. Rivers ran down my cheeks as I took my anger and pain and sorrow. Everything I have kept bottled up inside. I raised my head toward the heavens.

My lips parted."Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

All my pain and anguish and misery was released in that forest. It echoed and when the last of it finally left my soul. My head lolled back. And the darkness overtook me. I allowed it because I knew finally that I wasn't alone. But as if it was a record player that would shut off, the note played again in my head.

And right now you are probably wondering why your boyfriend isn't rushing to leave right now. Well he can't read this. Well he can. He only can read what I said he could. Its a simple disguise. It pretty much is a different message altogether with his worse fears. And lucky for you. I left your little knights there with you unfrozen. They can help you on this journey. I hope you know that you are lucky I was generous enough. Now, I know you want to find me. Well here is your first clue.

"Visit the book of heritage. Open your eyes and one of five musketeers that you met. The one that is the most mysterious,mystifying and quiet yet a beast lurks inside."

Enjoy the hunt.

From:Your Crazy Aunt.

P.S. I got them bars tho!

I smiled almost cheekily in my sleep. Five musketeers,aye. More like the five stooges.

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