Chapter 66

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A blissful sigh escaped my mouth as I laid next to my loving mate. His shoulder length brunette hair sprayed out behind me like a lovely halo. A smile came to my lips as I remembered what happened. His shadowed eyes full of determination and love as his lean muscular arms wrapped around my waist pulling me into his embrace. His lips covered mine as he kissed me slowly and with leisure. Softly his butterfly kisses traveled down my jaw and the column of my throat leaving little love bites in his wake. He explored my neck and shoulder a bit more until he found my spot at the base of my neck above my collar bone. A shiver ran through me as his lips soundlessly whispered my name. I reached up and dug my fingers into the nape of his hair pulling him closer. "Damian..." My voice came out hoarse.

His finger dug into my hips. "Seph-"

"Mark me."

Damian's entire body stilled and his grip on me turned into almost bruising. He pulled away to look me in the eye. "Love. You don't know what you're saying. "

I shook my head. "I said, 'Mark me.' And I mean it. Mark me, Damian. Make me yours."

Damian's eyes darkened and he yanked me back into him growling out in a voice that was barely human and it called out to my own beast inside. "Mine."

I nodded placing an encouraging hand on the back of his neck as I tilted my head back in submission. "Yours."

As if he could no longer hold back, Damian wasted no time digging his teeth into my neck unable to resist my offer. I gasped and my nails dug into his neck as a twinge of pain ripped through me for a second only for unbelievable bliss to follow. "Fuck..." My knees grew weak under me and my mate held me closer aware that I wasn't able to hold my own ground anymore. It was the ultimate aphrodisiac. Up was down and left was right. Nothing in the world mattered in that moment. To me, Damian was the Sun and the moon and the stars. His presence in my mind became more apparent to me and I felt my hybrid mingle with his wolf as she came to the surface demanding to make her own mark. My teeth elongated in response and losing my self control plunged them into his shoulder.

His mouth left my shoulder and tilted back as he howled loudly in ecstasy at the feeling of me claim him. Damian leaned back down to lick my wound helping me heal. I growled in content and pulled away before licking his freshly marked shoulder. When I leaned back and our eyes met I only had a second to take a breath before my mate fully dominated my lips. I moaned as he pressed me closer to him as his hands wandered passed my hips down to cup my ass and squeeze. A loud embarrassing noise flowed out of me and my cheeks flushed. Damian growled in approval giving my ass a nice smack before lowering his hands to lift me up by my thighs. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he took a couple steps before I felt myself tip backward and he laid me down onto the bed climbing on top of me with his lips never leaving mine. I raked my nails down his back feeling his muscles underneath his shirt shift under my touch. My hands moved lower to the bottom his shirt which rode up. I lazily drew patterns on his abs before pulling on his shirt. Damian leaned back obediently and pulled of his shirt revealing his beautiful body. I leaned up on my elbows licking my lips as I looked him over approvingly. "Fuck. Me." I whispered softly.

Damian chuckled humorlessly. "That's the gist, baby." Before he leaned down and recaptured my lips as he fulfilled his words.

A shiver ran over me from just the memory. He fell soundlessly asleep after a couple of rounds. While I was mentally and physically exhausted, I was unable to fall asleep. Finally giving up on the idea of getting some sleep, I lifted the covers as I slowly stepped out onto my hardwood floor. I spotted Damian's oversize shirt and pulled it on over my head before tiptoeing over to the balcony. Opening the glass door quietly, I stepped out into the fresh air. I take in a deep breath in effort to release the tension within my mind, body and soul. I leaned against the railing looking up towards the moon. It was only four hours ago I was fighting for my life. To say I was astonished at how everything ended was an understatement. When I finally ended Maleficent's reign of terror, the Arch Angels left to go back to their main headquarters. They were slightly disappointed that I didn't take up on their offer to become apart of their ranks, however; I offered to become an ally to join a war if they needed my help. Michael's demented self was all but confessing his love to me when we departed and the boys had to hold Damian back from tearing into the Devil who just grinned wickedly.

I mourned for Jaxon and had to break the news to Alexander. I could barely recognize the overbearing Alpha. Now that my crazy Aunt's presence was eliminated from his mind, he could fully comprehend what he had done. He was a broken man and now that his only son was killed, I wouldn't be surprised to find out he committed suicide. Thankfully, Niall survived though it was a near brush with death. When I thought he had died, he merely passed out from the poison and his hunter bloodline gave him some immunity to it. However Harry had to suck out the rest of the venom which was not a beautiful sight because I didn't know how to help him. I felt completely useless and powerless watching him. With Maleficent dead and gone, I don't know what to do with myself anymore. My whole life revolved around revenge and now that I have avenged my family...what do I do now? I have a mate and a loving pack. But it feels too good to be true. And not only that, there is the problem with Constantine and Andy. What if my Wicca family decide to hunt me down after Maleficent's plan to kill me failed? I growled in frustration crossing my arms. Soon comforting arms cooled around me pulling my body back into a warm form chest. "Is this going to a ritual from now on with us? You sneak out of bed because you're restless and I trail behind you like a lost puppy to coerce you back into bed." Damian's deep chuckle resounded in my ear.

I hummed leaning back into him shrugging softly not giving him a verbal response. Damian sighed and kissed my shoulder lovingly just enjoying being so close to me once more.

"I may have to leave again."

Damian paused in his kisses before resuming the action rubbing my arms reassuringly.

"I don't want to. But as much as I'd like to believe, my journey isn't over yet. There are many more kids out there born into this world unloved, uncared for and I could change that. I could help them. These kids need someone to look after them and I am willing to be that. And the prejudice against my people won't stop until I do something about it."

"I know." Damian whispered against my skin. "And you know I'll support you in whatever goals you set for yourself."

I turned slowly in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck looking up at him. "But?"

He wrapped his arms around my waist. "But don't expect me to allow you to fight this battle by yourself again. Last time, you made that decision for me. Never again believe that you are alone. Because you're not. I am your mate and whatever battle field you step on, you better believe I will be right there beside you." He reached up to brush his thumb against my cheek and I smiled up at him.

"I'm not alone." I whispered leaning my forehead against his.

He tightened his hold around me. "You aren't. And you never were."




TADA!!!The End. God knows how much you guys have been begging to see these two words. Lol. I want to thank all of my faithful readers for enjoying this book. It brings me great joy to see this book finally complete. It has been a long two years. I hope all of you had as much fun reading as much as I did writing. I appreciate your support. About there being a sequel, I'm pondering the idea, but I'm not sure yet. Probably not though so don't get your hopes up. Much love for all of you.


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