Chapter 23

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Father smiles. I blink in response. The shock I initially felt slowly recedes back into anger. I let his hand slip from mine and wiped my hand on my leg in distaste. I turned away from him without a word and start to walk out of the store. Just as I reach the door, I turn slightly and look at BVB and Constatine, silently gesturing them to follow.

They follow behind me obediently. When we get out of there and move away from the general public, I stop suddenly. I spin on my heel and lock eyes with Constantine, my father. He opens his arms for a hug. I run towards him and stop just out of reach only to punch him across the face. He reels back with the force. He was obviously not expecting that. What did he think? That I would throw myself in his arms? I pulled back to punch him in the right side of his jaw. My other fist came up to finish with a deadly uppercut to the underside of his jaw. I grabbed his shoulders to steady him only to brutally headbud him in the nose. He fell back with a broken nose. He looked up to see me glaring over his body. My assault was too quick for the human eye to keep up with. I could tell the boys only barely saw me cause they were right there. I have my suspicion that they might be vampires though. Andy blinked. His eyes trailed from our father's broken form to my bloody hands and heated glare masked with a disgusted face directed at the man at my feet.

Constantine chuckled and wiped the blood from his mouth and nose with his sleeve. "Fiery, fierce, and you strike quickly... just like your mother." He mumbled.

I growled. and swiftly kicked him in the face. "You have no right to talk about my mother. Especially with the way you left us like sitting ducks in the middle of a swamp full of hungry 'gators."

He put up his hands to half block any of my incoming hits and in a surrender position. "You have a right to be angry and disappointed in me. After all, I am your dad and I-"

I stomped on his balls and ground the heel of my shoe on him. "Don't ever call yourself my dad. Anyone can be a father, but to be a dad takes a man who is willing to be there for the kid. Something you aren't." I lifted the pressure just to stomp harder on his balls. I chuckled at his muffled screams of pain. "At least this way you can't make anymore kids that you don't plan to keep and take care of."

I think the boys unfreeze from the shock because Andy stepped forward. " S-se-phy?"

I swivel my head. "What?"

Andy winced and shrunk under my heated stare. Constantine chuckled under my foot. "Bad idea, my son. If I know anything about woman like Honey and Persephone, you don't want to mess with them when they are pissed off. Especially at you-AAHHAHAHH!"

I growled when I pressed harder onto his smushed balls."Take it like a man damnit!"

Jinxx stepped in this time. "Sephy. I know you are upset but please lets talk this out. This time you get to get answers. Okay. Just come with us."

Despite the beast inside me that called out for blood, I agree reluctantly. "Fine."


Currently I was seated with a table between me and Constantine in the Black Veil Brides Trailer. Turns out Constantine is the band manager. Go figure. Of course he would make money off of his own kids success. Little leech. Andy was to the right of Constantine. Ashley was in the small kitchen getting drinks. CC was next to me. What a brave soul. Lucky for him. I happen dislike him the least at the moment. He semi-understands why while agreeing. After I told my story to them, we had to restrain CC and Andy from ripping Constantine to shreds. So Constantine had to add a nice shiner and a fractured rib to his growing list of wounds. We were in an awkward silence now while letting my story marinate in their thoughts. But I had to break the ice."Why?"

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