Chapter 42

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I cleared my throat awkwardly as I sat in the chair across from Emanuel.My mentor. I shivered internally at my actions last night during dinner. I'm such an idiot. What he must think of me...I can't even begin to imagine. This morning, I woke up hoping last night was a dream. Unfortunately, it turns out that Emanuel was real. I punched Harry in the throat and I threatened my mentor who is a Guardian. All in a days work. I couldn't even look him in the eye. Harry thought it would be a splendid idea to invite Emanuel to sleep over so we could discuss his role and the Guardianship I was bound to possess this morning. This brings me such great joy.

Zayn sat next to me on my left. Liam sat in the chair to my right. Harry was in the kitchen making breakfast and Niall was in the kitchen to 'make sure' Harry doesn't poison my food. And I don't even want to know where Louis is. Emanuel sat across from me with a glass of wine in his hand. I raised a brow. Wine at this time of day? However... I watched the liquid closely. The deep red color made alarm run through me. I don't think that is just wine. My eyes wandered from his 'wine' glass, up his face and settled on his eyes that I noticed was watching me as well. I clenched my jaw when his lips spread in a patronizing grin. Almost made me want to throw my shoe at him. I withheld my urge with great disdain.

Thankfully, Harry decided to enter with our food. He quickly distributed the plates and sat down at the head of the table. I looked down at the plate in front of me suspiciously. I turned my head to look at Zayn and Liam. Liam and Zayn began to eat silently but almost savagely. Their plates were piled pretty high with pancakes, eggs, and bacon topped with syrup, strawberries, and whip cream. A meal fit for two growing alpha kings. My eyes moved to Emanuel who has since put down his wine to enjoy his breakfast.

I looked from Harry to the plate then back to Harry. Harry glared back at me obviously waiting for me to taste my food. "What are you waiting for? Eat your breakfast."

I narrowed my eyes in response. "How do I know you didn't poison it?"

Harry scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself, love."

I leaned back and crossed my arms. "I punched you in the throat, last night. Then this morning you cook me a full course delicious breakfast. And you mean to tell me that you think I would believe you wouldn't poison me."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Drama Queen." He reached over with his fork, plucked a piece of egg, pancake with some syrup and a strawberry. Then he swiftly guided the food to his mouth and chewed before swallowing. I pointed to the bacon. Harry sighed before grabbing a piece and eating that too.

After seeing that he didn't die on contact, I picked up my fork and cut a piece of pancake. I surveyed the food at the end of my fork distrustfully. At Harry's impatient glare, I hurriedly shoved the piece in my mouth. I chewed slowly before swallowing. I looked back down at my food. Then I tore into my breakfast. Once my plate was empty, I grabbed the napkin and dabbed at my mouth quietly before looking up to see everyone looking at me with wide eyes. I glared back at the boys. Niall giggled before skipping off in the kitchen to get some more food. Liam and Zayn went back to licking their plates. Harry smiled before going back to his own breakfast. Emanuel just chuckled and sipped his wine.

Once everyone was finished with their food, Emanuel cleared his throat. "I know that you all must have some questions."

I grabbed my glass of orange juice and sipped it. "Naw shit, sherlock. I wonder where you could have gotten that idea from."

Harry sent me a sharp look. I waved him off. Emanuel only chuckled at my actions in the manner a father would do at his own child's foolish manner. I don't like him. Ignoring my interruption, Emanuel continued. "I also know I have given you all enough reasons to be distrustful and maybe even rude. But I would appreciate it if you wouldn't judge me so quickly before I explain myself. In Fact, I don't think I ever formally introduced myself either. My name is Emanuel Mentoris. I am a Guardian. I also happen to be a pureblooded vampire. My job as a Guardian is to train and watch over the potential Guardians."

I nodded. "And you were assigned to watch over me. If that is correct, then why are they here with me now."

Harry chuckled. Emanuel smiled. "I am here to monitor your growth as a Guardian. I am not your protector. The council believed you needed greater protection. Especially with all that is going on in your lineage. That is why they sent them." Emanuel gestured to Harry, Liam, and Zayn.

"Who is the council?" I asked.

"The council is the Archangels. Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, and Zadkiel. These are the only known living figures to ever speak with God. They are the regulators of Earth. When they noticed that the human race was slowly destroying itself, they knew that they all couldn't be everywhere at one time. Only God could. And with His permission, they began to appoint Guardians who were of Earth to help."

"How do you know who to appoint as a Guardian?"

Emanuel shrugged. " I haven't the slightest idea. Only the council can answer that. I'm simply given a name and a location. I don't question it. I'm sure if they made a mistake, mankind's existence would have fallen a long time ago. But I am sure it has something to do with who you are."

"So you mean only supernaturals can be Guardians."

Emanuel shook his head."No."

I furrowed my brow in confusion."But you just said-"

"I said who you are. Not what you are. That is two completely different aspects of a person."

I bit my lip. "Then why did the council chose a boy band of all people to protect me."

Emanuel looked me before glancing to Harry. "Because they are the only ones capable of properly keeping you safe. A hunter gifted with the Sight. An Alpha Panther in line for the throne. An Alpha Wolf directly descended from the very first werewolf. A Beta Panther with Alpha lineage. A Pureblooded Vampyre Mage of the House of the very first Vampyres who also is a Fallen Angel."

I gasped and look toward Harry who was clenching his fist. "Fallen?" I turned my gaze back to Emanuel who nodded.

"Yes. Harry is a Fallen Guardian Angel. The son of the Archangel Michael who is better known as the Devil."

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