Chapter 3

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I decided to leave. Tomorrow was the perfect opportunity. I think Jaxon was old enough to take care of himself. Alexander had no other heirs,but Jaxon. He was his only son to become an Alpha. Alexander wouldn't dare hurt him. I hope. I shook my head. Now isn't the time to second guess yourself,Persephone. Not when you are so close. But first if this is my last night I must look beautiful. At least prove to myself that I can be. I searched through my closet until I remembered. I reached under my bed under it I found a box. Inside was a white dress with a gold neckline. The dress that was supposed to be my sweet sixteen dress. It's been years since I have looked at this dress.

I closed my eyes as I felt the memories flood my head. I sighed and looked at the dress before setting to work on my appearance.

I kept my hair down to cover my neck from behind.I parted it to the far left (or right whatever). I put on matching bracelets and earrings. I decided against trying to look good with makeup.

I slipped on my glittery gold stilettos and looked in my broken mirror. I look like Mum. I grabbed my lacy mask and knew I was ready.

I walked downstairs. As I came down, everyone was staring at me. I smirked inside. I walked through the double doors into the ballroom. Music was already playing and most were dancing. I walked through the crowd to the table where Alexander,my brother, another couple and what looked to be a rebel kind of son sitting next to them. When I walked up, Alexander looked up at me and nodded that it was okay for me to sit. So, I sat down beside him.

The couple, I learned to be the Alpha and Luna of the Midnight pack(the strongest pack in continental U.S.)The Luna,Maria, smiled kindly at me.I hesitantly smiled back.

"So, darling you must be the Persephone Alpha Alexander was talking to us about. "

I nodded,"Yes mam."

"Oh and so polite. Alexander, I must say that I am impressed. If only our son was so polite as well. I must say darling though you look stunning in your outfit today. Where did you get that dress?"

"My mum bought it for me on my 16th birthday."

"She has exquisite taste. I see where you get it from. Marques,darling, don't you think her dress is beautiful?"

Alpha Marques looked at me and smiled a genuine smile which I returned.

"I believe she is beautiful from the inside out which is what makes that dress look so beautiful."

I blushed,"Thank you, Alpha Marques".

Luna Maria then took the stage by dropping the bomb."So, darling where have you been? I've visited often and have never met you until now."

"Well, I have been living elsewhere for that time. I came back to visit and come and meet you. I apologize we didn't get to meet sooner."

Luna Maria waved it off,"You are fine darling. As long as we got to meet now."

I nodded and noticed Xavier hasn't said anything. I looked up at him and see that he is staring at me. I knew then what he was to me,but I gave away nothing and just rolled with the punches.I felt something pinch my thigh. I looked up saw Alexander showing me his watch. I knew now was my cue to leave.

"Oh does anyone know what time it is."

"It is 11:35 why?"Alexander asked.

"I am sincerely apologize but I must go. I was just stopping by. I promise one day to visit your land if you would allow."

"Of course, though I wished you could stay longer you are welcome anytime."Alpha Marques held my gaze and I nodded.

I got up and gave Alexander and Luna Marcia a hug and Alpha Marques a firm handshake. I offered my hand to Xavier and he took it and brought it up to his lips. His eyes never leaving mine. When he let go, I am sure my face looked like a tomato. Alpha Marques snickered."Now look what you have done son, you made her blush."

Well that made me blush even harder so I said my goodbyes and headed out of the room. Now was time to make my escape. When I closed the door, I waited for it to shut but I didn't hear the click so I turn around. And there standing in the middle of the corridor is my mate,Xavier.

This is the exact thing I wanted to avoid. Damn my life.

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