Chapter 28

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Let's just say I hauled ass in the house not wanting to let my friends deal with my mess. When I entered the house, I took two steps before I had to immediately duck as flying glass hurtled over my head and smashed the door where my face should have been. I slowly rose looking left and right for glass that decided to suddenly sprout wings.

When I was absolutely sure that there was nothing coming my way, I head to where most of the commotion was. The house rattled as if a earthquake was coming or a volcano erupted. The epicenter is the front living room. A hand appeared out of thin air and held me back. My gaze followed the path of the hand which led to an arm connected to a shoulder holding a neck that held a familiar stern face. "Excuse me. You are in my way right now. I need to get to the living room." I pushed my hand on his arm as a futile effort.

Sasha only straightened his arm."Trust me, Sephy. You do not want to go in there."

I straightened my back and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "And just why not?"

"Because Luna walked in on your mate and his brother trashing the front living room in anger. Unlucky for them, the front living room just happens to be the Luna's favorite hang out. She is probably freezing their testicles as we speak."

My eyes widened in alarm. I quickly pushed his arm out of way with the force I forgot I had. Damn. Sorry Sasha. I hope I didn't pop his his shoulder outta socket. I slid across the floor to the door as I felt something running around in there. Just as I reach for the handle, the door bursts open. My instincts allowed me to jump up and grab the top of the door. I twisted my body up into and hand stand on the top of the door that was currently opening. The door opened a bit more and it took all of my strength,balance and endurance to not fall off. I had to become 'one with the door'. I was just as straight and solid as the door. I had put my hair in a bun so my hair was out of my face. Thank god. Or what would be the point.

Focusing back on what opened the door I saw my mate poke his head out and then start out. Inquisitive brown eyes that flickered for movement. The he took off. Well he tried to. A hand popped out from the room and dragged him back in. I heard some more struggling before I heard Maria's voice.

"What the fuck are you boys thinking destroying my living room? You bloody scoundrels. Just wait till I get my hand on-Oh where do you think you're going? Especially in your birthday suit."

I chuckled and reached up to cover my mouth with both of my hands. Too late he heard me. He looked around but never did he look up. His eyes moved over my hiding spot a few times before he actually looked at me. I had a feeling he couldn't fully see me but he sensed I was right there. I bit my lip and his obsidian eyes connected with my gunmetal ones. There was a pregnant pause. I felt like he could see me. He took a step in my direction and squinted his eyes like he was utilizing all of his energy to find me. I was saved by the bell. Well, the Maria bell.

"What the hell do you think you are doing mister? When I am done with you, you won't have time for looking into space. You are going to go upstairs and put some clothes on. Then I want you to come back down here and clean up this mess. You and your brother."

Lucas suddenly appeared out of nowhere and both him and Damian turned to jump up and monkey bar the banister in an effort to avoid the embarrassment of walking around the right way stark naked.

Maria raised a brow. "Where do you two think you are going?"

They turned and looked over at her in confusion. She pointed to the other living room where a lot of the pack members where seated currently. "Last time I checked that is the correct way to the stairs."

The boys lowered their heads in shame and groaned. Their cheeks already tinted in red with embarrassment that was sure to come. I smirked and giggled. Then my eyes roamed Damian's body and my body flushed with desire. Damian's head snapped up and I knew then he could see me. He sniffed the air and smirked growling in pleasure.

Maria scoffed. "No groaning if you're man enough to ruin my living room, you're man enough to walk around naked in front of your peers. Besides the only reason you would be embarrassed was if you had nothing to show in the downstairs area."

Maria turned to Damian and her eyes darted to where I was. She smirked and grabbed Lucas by the ear. "Come on brat. Damian, you can meet us there."

"What? That is no fair!"

"Shut up, Lucas or I'll make you mow the lawn."

They left the foyer and it was just me and Damian. The silence stretched on until I felt him enter my mind.

'Hmm, mate. You smell delicious. Careful though. You continue to eye me like that I can't be responsible for my actions.'

I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips.

'Yea whatever. We still have to talk about us anyway.'

'You are correct but there are more pressing matters.'

'Like what?' I sent him a quizzical look.

'Like the fact you are floating above the living room threshold upside down.'He pointed out.

My eyes widened and I looked down and indeed he was correct. I panicked and suddenly the ground was coming closer to my face. I closed my eyes and protected my face for the impact. But it never came. Instead the hardwood floor, it was warm arms that caught me. Through my eyelids, a shadow hovered over my face. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked.

Remember that shadow I was talking about earlier. That was my savior. This savior saved me from falling. I know all of you guys are wondering who saved me. Well it was not Damian my so-called-faithful mate. It was actually Zayn Malik from One Direction. And the rest of his band was standing behind him. I sniffed the air. Hmm, so they are werewolves.

Zayn smirked down at me. "Ello, love. "

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