Chapter 21

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Persephone POV

I couldn't do it. It was too much. I was on my deathbed and he was too busy boning Britney and a couple of other girls to care. Mates weren't supposed to be like this. I needed to get away from them. I needed to be away from her. Something about Britney at the moment was more than just a slutty bitch. I could feel a true evil residing in her. Slowly corrupting her soul to the point of no return. I could have sworn her eyes flashed red. My instincts kicked in and told me that something wasn't right and I was not ready for that battle. My gut told me to bail. My instincts never guide me wrong. So I quickly made myself scarce. There was just something about her that made me so afraid that I almost wished I wasn't awake.

I was gone. I ran past everyone not even registering that I was going faster than anything alive. So fast I felt like if I went one degree faster I could rewind time. I sprinted out the house past everyone into the city. There was just something about her that made me so afraid that I almost wished I wasn't awake. I stopped when I was certain I didn't know where I was. People were all around me just walking around going about their daily lives. I was in the bustling city. I haven't been in the city since I was tween. When mom started to date Alexander, I was limited to only certain places. Men and women alike walked passed me with shopping bags or maybe a briefcase. People who passed me gave me estranged looks. Probably because I was just standing there. So I started walking among the masses in an attempt to blend in like with the crowd. I was passing an assortment of stores. I had no intentions on buying anything, so I was content to just window shop from afar. That is until I heard 'it'. That song. That voice. I followed the voice into a store. There on stage was a band. All dressed up like rock stars in black leather and all. They look just as I remember. The song. Knives and Pens. That song held me together in my dark days before Mom died. I loved the song then and my love for it has not changed. Maybe it only grew.

I walked closer and went to the counter of the store. There was guy manning the counter but he seemed to into the music to notice my presence. I tapped the dude at the counter. He reluctantly turned his attention away from the band and toward me."Yes."

I gestured up toward the stage."What's going on?"

"Oh! The band onstage, Black Veil Brides, came to our store, Hot Topic, to play their songs voted the favorite in this area. Today is also open mic night. If you got some raw talent, you can go up there and sing if you want. But I don't know about you,but I don't think anyone sane or human would be able to sing right after that. "

I laughed."Me neither, but then again-" I winked"who said I was sane. Thanks for the info though, bro."

He grinned."Anything for a sister."

We did a little fist pump thing and turned our attention back on the BVB. They just finished their song. And stated they were taking a 5 minute break. The band tumbled down the steps laughing and came to the desk where I was currently standing. BVB were my idols and I knew I probably just make a fool of myself. Now me, suddenly feeling anti-social, waved goodbye to the awesome dude at the desk aka Axel. I peeked at his nametag. Yep, his name is Axel. And side stepped them to continue looking around the store.

The normal Hot Topic music starts playing since no one has had the guts to go after that amazing performance. I was sifting through the skinny jeans when I felt 5 strong gazes on me. Maybe more? I look in the mirror beside me and take notice to Axel pointing me out to BVB. And BVB staring at me star struck. My muscles tensed in nervousness. Uh oh. Not Good.

I quickly grabbed a gold jacket,a pair of black shorts with some thigh high fishnets. I spot some black leather ankle boots that were sexy as hell and headed to the register. I paid for it all while ignoring BVB. Remember Sephy. You are as cool as a cucumber. As cool as a cucumber. I scurry off to the bathroom and change. When I emerged from the bathroom, BVB was staring. Well not just them. I successfully gained the attention of everyone in the store. Male or female. It almost felt like a replay of when I came down the stairs the morning of that fateful day I went nighty night. My skin crawled as I almost shuddered in disgust from some guys undressing me. When I walked in, I was invisible. I change my clothes to look presentable and suddenly I am desirable. Albeit BVB was playing live,but still. It is the principle of it. Pups make me sick. Some of the boys even had the audacity to wolf whistle as I passed them. I rolled my eyes and made a beeline over to Axel.

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