Chapter 31

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I sat next to Damian at the table. My back rigid as my mind processed Zayn's words.

'there is a traitor amongst you...'

My eyes flashed to said group and narrowed my eyes before looking around the table at my family.

'there is a traitor amongst you...'

My eyes zeroed in on everyone's faces. All the faces I came to trust and love. All the people I thought to be family. People I would lay down my life for. People I would do anything for. People who I trust my deepest fears and secrets to. But amongst us is a rogue in wolf's clothing. But if there is a traitor then who could it be? Who would sit here and pretend for so long? Most of them didn't even know I existed until-

My thoughts were interrupted by a warm calloused hand rubbing my thigh. I look down cautiously before following the hand to an arm to shoulder to a face. Not just any face. My mate's face. His brown eyes glancing at me worriedly from the side. I felt him enter my mind.

'Are you okay?'

I nodded and placed my hand on top of his. Rubbing the top of it.

'I'm fine. Just thinking that's all.'

He smiled sadly at me.

'Gotta lot on your mind. Especially with the wicked bitch of an aunt.'

I chuckled lowly.

'You sure have a way with words...and you know how to cheer a girl up.'

He started rubbing my thigh higher. Closer to my core. Shocks excited me as my gasp was barely audible. He put his lips to my ear.

'I have other ways of making you smile.'

I reached over and patted his inner thigh affectionately.

'I'm sure you do. But it would be better to wait till behind closed doors because right now in front everyone isn't the best time. Especially when they are all gawking at us...'

Damian looked up at everyone and raised a brow when he noted that everyone was indeed looking at us.

'You are no fun.'

'Well we wouldn't want to put on a show for them now would we.'

I raised an eyebrow. He shrugs indifferently. I elbowed him hard in the ribs.

'I have no problem as long as they don't touch.'

He moves his hand closer to my hip and to the inside of my thigh. Then he teasingly squeezes. I winked at him then sat back.

'Trust me once you see this you can't help but touch.'

I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms and legs. I allowed my light pink with reddish tint for the bottom of my small plump top and bottom lips to take on their natural pout. My dress rode up my thigh a little. My arms pushed up my chest a bit. Even though I have hardly any chest, surprisingly I had all the unmated guys attention. And guess who that includes. Yes, even One Direction.

I smirked and winked Harry who in turn licked his own lips. He signed me.Call me.

I leaned forward and made a 'come hither' gesture with my fingers. He immediately leaned forward. People watching leaned forward as well. I winked at Andre and Aearel devilishly. My face came closer to Harry's. My lips touched Harry's ear as I whispered. "How 'bout..."

I reached as fast as lightning and grabbed his ear and slammed his face into the stone hard granite table. Andre and Aearel stood next to me as we said the next words together.

"Never in a million years-"

"You filthy-" Aearel growled.

"Son of a-"Andre continued.

"Bitch!" We all yelled in unison.

I quickly leaned his head back and slammed it back on the table before resuming my seat. I gave Aearel and Andre a fist bump before they resumed their seat as well next to their mates. And both brother's eyes were pitch black with need. Zane stood just as Andre sat down and to prevent her from getting settled, he grabbed her forearm gently but firmly and made her resume her previous position. "May we excuse ourselves? My mate and I have some things we need to discuss."

Luna Maria nodded and Zane hurriedly ushered Andre out. Sol following his brother's actions stood with his own mate. "May we be excused as well? It is urgent."

Luna raised a brow at me and I held my hands up in defense. Maria sighed. "Tell your brother not to trash his room. And keep it down. That goes for the two of you as well. No one wants to hear that trust me."

All of our jaws dropped well not mine. But I was taken aback. Aearel's cheeks burned like a wildfire and it spread to Sol's as well. He nodded. "Yes Luna."

And they practically ran from the embarrassing situation. I giggled absentmindedly at the thought. Everyone else just out right laughed. Maria snorted. "I don't know what you are laughing about. You are all just as loud and obnoxious!"

We were all silenced. But a smile still remained on my face. Damian's hand found mine under the table and I smiled at him.

'I am so happy you are mine.'

Damian opened his mouth to speak but I placed my finger lightly on his lips.

Don't worry 'bout saying it back. I already know.'

He playfully nipped at my finger.

'Baby, you don't know the half of it.'

After our nice filling supper, I layed in the bed with the mate of my dreams. Damian's chest slowly rises and falls and I can't help but admire him. All of him. His strength, his heart and his beauty from the inside out. The way he was still my friend and stayed strong waiting for me while I was currently under my aunt's wicked influence.

Unable to fall asleep, I rise out of bed quietly in an attempt not to wake Damian. My feet padded against the mahogany flooring all the way to the balcony. My mind was racing from today's info. And Zayn's words. With the moon shining bright high above me I thought everything though.

'There is a traitor amongst you.'

And that brought me back to the fact that I would have to sneak away.

I need to fight this battle alone. I refuse to put anyone else in harms way. And if I have to leave them to keep them safe. No matter how long I will succeed. This bitch needs to die.


I turned around only to be greeted with a sleepy looking Damian. He yawned. "What are you doing out here? You'll catch a cold. Come back inside. Back to bed."

I smiled at his concern. "My apologizes,love. I couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind."

Damian sighed and rubbed my back slowly leading me to the bed. "I know with all that you found out today. And all this stuff that happened that is understandable. But please be cautious. You may have a headache from thinking too much afterwards."

I humphed. Then I felt the headache coming on. "Yeah shush. No talking. My head hurts. No comments what-so-ever from you."

He chuckled and picked me up bridal style. "Okay, my princess. I shall carry you to bed, m'lady. And sleep. I promise you that when you get up, you will feel better. We will also talk about this later today. Okay?" He lightly pressed his soft lips against my forehead. "Just get some rest."

I smiled sleepily. I felt him lay behind me and wrap me up in his arms. He whispered sweet nothings into my hair to sooth me. I sighed and even though I was calm, my mind wasn't. And my last thought before the numbing darkness we call sleep was,"There is a traitor amongst you."

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