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As a child, Diane had an outwardly perfect life. Two loving, married parents, good grades, a golden retriever. But, behind closed doors, her parents were constantly fighting. Her only true friend was her dog because the kids at school bullied her and forced her to do their work for passing grades.

Her father would often drink himself half to death, which was one of the leading causes of the arguments between Diane's parents.

When she turned 18, Diane was fed up and fled to the neighboring country, Germany, with her now elderly dog. Except, she had nothing. No college degree, no money, no house, no food. She had only the clothes on her back and her elderly dog. She quickly found a box in an alley, selling herself for money to keep her and her dog fed. Although, sometimes she didn't get paid. Only used, beaten, and thrown out.

Sometimes, she'd go without food because she spent her money on food for her dog.

Then, the dog died.

She was so struck with the grief of her only friend since she was a kid that she didn't eat or sleep.

That's when HYDRA got to her. They took her and brainwashed her. Trained her.

Now, her goal is to work alongside the Winter Soldier, seducing people on the enemy side over a matter of days, getting intel, and then killing them. When the rest of the group goes after her, both Diane and The Winter Soldier kill them all and use the gained information against the larger sum of that enemy.

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