30 1 2

She walks in the house, the newspaper in her hand.

"The Avengers fucked up."

He was laying on the couch, his legs folded so he would fit, "Really?"

"Mhm. Had to do with Rumlow, tried to get into some headquarters, 'Wanda Maximoff Accidentally Murders 26 in Lagos, Nigeria'"

"Sounds pretty bad."

She nods, patting his legs to sit next to him, reading the article. She folds her legs under her and shifts to put her head on his lap, pointing to parts of the newspaper for him to read.

"Apparently she wanted to save the people on the ground at the markets and accidentally aimed it for... whatever building she blew up."

"Actually, that's kind of sad."

"Metal, though."

He shakes his head and laughs a little, resting his arm across her chest. She grabs it with one hand, flipping through the newspaper with the other.

"It's been 2 years and we still haven't made this place nice."

"I know. But we can't really call in repairs without being noticed. Or shop for more than groceries,"

She joins in and they speak in unison, "without being noticed."

"I know. We'll find something to make it nicer. Someday."

He nods, looking around the apartment.

"Can I borrow your wallet?"

Diane sits up, turning to look at him, "Depends. How much are you spending?"

"Twenty euros at most."

"Okay. Go ahead."

He gets up, goes in her purse, grabs her wallet, and goes back to the couch, kissing her on the cheek and leaving.


"Di, wake up."

She rubs her eyes, sitting up on the couch. He wasn't in front of her, he was at the kitchen counter, tinkering with something. She could only see his back. Broad shoulders, a black t-shirt. His sweater was on the counter next to him in a pile.

"How much did you spend?"

He looks back at her, "Only 11 euros."

"That's nod bad, where'd you spend it?"

He turns around, placing a vase of Edelweiss on the table.

"Flower shop a few streets over. I thought flowers would make the place look a little nicer, and your favorite flower is Edelweiss. I went out to get some apples a few days ago and saw the shop, so I thought I could go and see if they had any. And they did. So I got you some."

"You bought me flowers?"



A/N - my small, feeble body can't take another second without having him. My thin, almost lifeless carcass needs him or else it'll hollow completely, leaving only a shell of what once was in it's place. It's my birthday today and I'm stuck with this and not the other story and I'm SAD.

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